Pali - Every few days - [B030]

From: John Kelly
Message: 2619
Date: 2003-05-15

Pali - Every few days - [B030]
Gair/Karunatillake - Chapter 3 �Readings
Ex. 2. (Part 3 of 4)

�Ta.m kim ma~n~natha, Saa.lhaa, atthi moho� ti?
�So what do you think, Salha, does delusion exist?�
�Eva.m, bhante.�
�Yes, venerable sir.�

�Avijjaa ti kho aha.m, Saa.lhaa, etamattha.m vadaami.
Muu.lho kho aya.m, Saa.lhaa, avijjaagato paa.nam pi
hanati, adinnam pi aadiyati, paradaaram pi gacchati,
musaa pi bha.nati � ya.msa hoti diigharatta.m ahitaaya
dukkhaayaa� ti.�
�Indeed I call it ignorance, Salha. A deluded person
is an ignorant person, and also kills living beings,
takes what is not given, commits adultery, and speaks
falsely � which will bring him a long time of harm and

�Eva.m, bhante.�
�Yes, venerable sir.�


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