Pali - Every few days - [B026]

From: John Kelly
Message: 2582
Date: 2003-05-08

Pali - Every few days - [B026]
Gair/Karunatillake - Chapter 3 �Readings
Ex. 1. (Part 1 of 2)

On to chapter 3, and our first selection from the
Milindapa~nha ...

�Bhante Naagasena, atthi koci satto, yo imamhaa
kaayaa a~n~na.m kaaya.m sa.mkamatii?� ti.
�Venerable Nagasena, is there any being which
transmigrates from one body to another?�

�Na hi, mahaaraajaa� ti.
�Indeed not, great king.�

�Yadi, bhante Naagasena , imamhaa kaayaa a~n~na.m
kaaya.m sa.mkamanto natthi, nanu mutto bhavissati
paapakehi kammehii?�ti.
�If, venerable Nagasena, there is nobody who
transmigrates from one body to another, then will not
one be released from bad deeds?�

�AAma, mahaaraaja. Yadi na pa.tisandaheyya, mutto
bhavissati paapakehi kammehi.
Yasmaa ca kho, mahaaraaja, pa.tisandahati, tasmaa na
parimutto paapakehi kammehii� ti.
�Yes, great king. If one is not reborn, then one is
released from bad deeds. But indeed because one is
reborn, great king, then one is not fully released
from bad deeds.�

(Miln. III.5.7. Buddhavaggo,


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