Dear Jaran,

>I also hope that John will post his work soon!

Soon, but I will be posting it piecemeal, a few lines
at a time, as I'm doing with the Gair, and as YP is
doing with the de Silva.

>I am now at exercise 14 passage for reading, and I
have a question.
>What does
>'paccassosi' mean in 'eva.m sammaa ti kho sahaayako
>sahaayakassa paccassosi.'?

If you're at lesson 14 you're well ahead of me!
However I do happen to know what paccassosi means.
It's a difiicult to recognize aorist of patissunati
(assent, agree, promise), hence in the sentence above
"he agreed".

The 3rd person plural aorist (paccassosu.m) is very
common in the suttas, whenever the monks are replying
"eva.m bhante" to the Buddha.


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