Dear Dimitry,

Here's a brief summary of the workshop on the
Chachakka sutta (MN 148) conducted by Prof. Andrew
Olendzki last Saturday.

Andrew introduced the sutta by laying out the six sets
of six and describing their relationships. Eye, ear,
nose, tongue, body (touch), and mind formed the Y-axis
and internal media (sense organ), external media
(sense object), class of consciousness, contact
(phassa), feeling (vedanaa), and craving (tanhaa),
formed the X-axis. As an example, for ear on the
Y-axis, there is the physical ear, sound,
sound-consciousness, sound-contact, sound-related
feeling, and craving or aversion associated with sound
along the X-axis.
This complete matrix is the basis for every experience
we as humans can have. We attend closely to our
experience to see its components as clearly
as possible so that we can, through persistent
mindfulness, recognize the arising of craving from
feeling associated with a particular sense gate.

Andrew then led us through the process of
identification, "'This is mine, this is my self, this
is what I am", that we tend to associate with sense
contact when (or even before) it comes into our field
of awareness as feeling or craving. By recognizing
this process and applying its remedy,
"This is not mine, this is not my self, this I am
not", to each occurrence of contact we're aware of, we
can gradually loosen the grip of craving associated
with particular sights, sounds, thoughts, etc. This
is the path to freedom, through the gateway of the
Chachakka Sutta.

--- "������� ���������� ��������� (Dimitry A.
Ivakhnenko)" <koleso@...> wrote:
> Dear John,
> Can you please relate how Andrew Olendzki advises to
> practice the
> Chachakka sutta?
> Metta,
> Dimitry

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