Dear Nina,
Good question - I don't know the answer. I got that
particular translation from the Bhaavanaa Vandanaa
book, and that is how Bhante Gunaratana translates it.
I looked at the book again, and noticed that the word
is actually spelled sammadakkhaataani. I looked in
the PED and quite frankly was quite confused as the
meaning of this word "dakkhaata".
Can anyone else shed light on this?

> Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2003 20:00:02 +0200
> From: nina van gorkom <nilo@...>
>Subject: sammadakkhataani
>Dear John,
>I still have a question left over.
>I looked up dakkhata and found: dakkhati, to see.
>dis+a. Could it be:
>well seen instead of well taught? Or is it causative,
>as dasseti?
>Thank you,

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