Dear Yong Peng,
op 11-04-2003 13:12 schreef Ong Yong Peng op ypong001@...
> Nina, I would love to hear your idea of Pali week by week. However, I
> can't commit too much, not until I graduate from my undergraduate
> study in November.
N: I understand the study is heavy for you. One sentence is also fine, I am
happy with anything. Will it help you if you just prepare, but leave more
work to us translating? I have the books for reference, no problem. I want
my daily Pali tr. anyway, so I do not mind what it is.
As to sutta: I like everybody just to see it as pleasure, not as duty. It is
difficult to organize rotating on a list. Say, if I jump to it, someone else
may jump at it at the same time. I enjoy teamwork more, but if this is
difficult to organize I can do more if you like. Maybe some more later next
week, I have some family duties first.
Y: I am currently working on some enhancements to the site, as well as
> planning to put back a forum. Although Dimitry has suggested to join
> an existing forum, but I think in the long run, the site will need
> its own forum.
N: This will be very hard work and it means more mails. We are already so
busy here, I feel, with the texts. I do not know what to say about it.
Y: As for sutta translation, I really appreciate your kind contribution.
> May I suggest that we each do just one paragraph per month. In that
> case, it will be something like one paragraph every two weeks,
> allowing for discussion in between, as well as some time for me to
> compile and put them online. What do you think?
N: is a para a sentence, or three lines? Anything you suggest. No problem.