From: Ong Yong Peng
Message: 2310
Date: 2003-04-06
--- In, John Kelly wrote:
> Dear Nina,
> Memorizing is an excellent idea. I do some memorizing
> of some Pali snippets myself - particularly things I
> like to repeat every day before meditating - the
> refuges, the precepts, and the 5 things to be
> reflected on daily.
> My approach to memorizing is similar to yours.
> Metta,
> John
> --- nina van gorkom <nilo@...> wrote:
> > Dear John,
> > op 05-04-2003 00:34 schreef John Kelly op
> > palistudent@...:
> >
> > > Thank you - I'm glad you're enjoying them.
> > > You're right. Pali is a lovely language.
> > N: I went over the text now many times, and I admire
> > very much the structure
> > of it, the repeats and the passages which are
> > stressing the action to be
> > taken. It is suitable to try to learn it by heart.
> > Now I understand how
> > people of old (and many people now in Sri Lanka and
> > Birma) could do this and
> > wanted to do this. Excellent reminders.
> > Maybe others can give me tips about memorizing, in
> > case someone else likes
> > to do this, but in the process of it I go about it
> > like this: first the four
> > cases that arise, thus the first phrases of each one
> > of these four sections,
> > then the goals in each of these four sections, then
> > the action taken and
> > this is in the same wording in each of these four
> > cases.
> > Fascinating.
> > With appreciation,
> > Nina.