Dear Rene,

You wrote:
>A schema of the jhanas would be as follows (my
>(1) a state born of detachment,
>accompanied by deliberation + reasoned reflection,
>delight + contentment.
>(2) (suppression of deliberation + reasoned
>continuing delight + contentment
>His mind becomes concentrated.
> ...

The pali that you have translated as "deliberation"
and "reasoned reflection" is "vitakka" and "vicara".
Sometimes these are also translated as "applied and
sustained thought". My understanding of these terms,
at least in connection with the jhanas is "applied and
sustained attention", that is, on the meditation
object that one uses as the pathway to access
concentration leading to jhana. In a highly
concentrated state, there doesn't seem to be a place
for deliberation and reasoned reflection.

Any other thoughts on this?


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