Dear Moderator & Friends,

----- Original Message -----
From: Pali Moderator <>
To: <mlnease@...>
Sent: Sunday, March 09, 2003 7:44 AM
Subject: Welcome to Pali
> For a start, you may want to introduce yourself to the group, with the
help of one or more of the following questions:
> 1. Are you learning/teaching the Pali language?

I've dabbled a little in the past and hope to resume--I probably won't have
time for serious study for the foreseeable future.

> 2. Do you read and study the Tipitaka?

Yes, when I can...

> 3. Were/Are you involved in any translation works of the Tipitaka?

No--or only in small bits and pieces for personal use(!).

> Learn, Share, Enjoy!

Thanks--I look forward to participating as time permits.
