From: Ong Yong Peng Message: 2046 Date: 2003-03-06
Dear Jim, Nina, Derek, Stefan and friends,
thanks very much, especially for the important inputs from the Pali
commentaries and grammars, which I do not have access to. I have
also realise that I was too quick to follow the English translation
without noticing that some paraphrasing have been done to allow a
better flow of the passage. I have to apologise for my ignorance on
that. I have put together the sentences again from your inputs below:
(3) DN31 Sigalovada Sutta para.245 [PTS3.181]
Imassa cattaaro kammakilesaa pahiinaa hontii"ti
" For him, the four actions due to defilement are eradicated."
We shall still leave the floor open for the discussion on
(5) Dhammapada 63
baalo ca pa.n.ditamaanii sa ve "baalo"ti vuccati
And a fool, [who is] proud of his cleverness, called "[a] fool"
Hopefully, I will be able to start the compilation of the Word by
Word next week, just before it starts to pile up. However,
discussion are still open for important points on the words and
syntax of the sentences, and I'll then amend accordingly.
Yong Peng
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