Dear Piya, Frank, Dimitry and friends,

according to Ven. Buddhadatta,

Nibbindati = ni + vid + .m-a = to get wearied of; to be disgusted with

I think it means to get tired of, sick of something and eventually
lose interest, detach and (as Dimitry say) fed up of it.

The subject here is the mind, and I agree disenchanted (which means
free from fancy of something) is a better word, while detached will
better be used for a tangible subject. I wonder what John would think.

Yong Peng

--- In, Dimitry A. Ivakhnenko wrote:
> PT> I think "nibbindati" is better translated as "is disenchanted
with" or "is
> PT> disillusioned with":
> In my humble opinion the literal 'is satiated (surfeited, fed up)
> with' is both exact and graphic here.