Very dear Yong-Peng,

as a statistician in a previous life (before settling on Kangaroo Island),
I enjoyed very much what you wrote about statistics. Now as one of the 116
(50.66%) members who are receiving the emails... :) -- mon témoignage (my

As a member of this group, I am very happy to receive a daily series of
emails, with most of them being food for thought. Truly, sometimes and read
them a bit quickly - truly, I am one of the rather passive members, simply
because I do not have anything fundamental to contribute, and also there
are only 24 hours in my day. Nevertheless, please allow me to repeat
myself, I enjoy every bit of what I get. My deepest thanks to those that
contribute - I've noticed that efforts at contributions by different
members come and go - just like any sankhara - this is life (recently Nina
van Gorkom, to mention one, has popped up from Abhidhamma world).

This website, for me, does not mean only reading (mostly) interesting
emails. Through it, I have come to meet in person John Kelly, who visited
us on Kangaroo Island with his wife - this was a further joy - and he left
me his own copy of Gair & Karunatillake's Pali course - now I cannot forget
you John :)

Piya, bhante, thank you for your Anapana-sati Sutta trilinear contribution
- I am a great fan of anything trilinear (I have the Christian Nouveau
Testament in this form, very enlightening). But now, as you know probably,
alas TrueType fonts, though binary compatible for the Windows and Macintosh
platforms, do not follow the same table as far as extended characters are
concerned (how clever...). I would nevertheless would like to make your
text available to the Pali community members who use a Mac. It would help
me a lot if you could, accordingly, send me an attached Word doc.
containing a table where each Pali character of the Times Norman font you
use (on your Windows machine) would be translated in its Velthuis


Jîvasattha (Dr Gabriel Bittar), Buddhayatana

Jacqueline "Gotamî Jîvarakkhî" Bittar
Dr Gabriel "Ananda Jîvasattha" Bittar,
PhD University of Geneva
phone +61 8 8553 7442 , fax +61 8 8553 7444
mob. ph. +61 4 2743 5148

Institut Suisse de Bioinformatique
Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics
email: bittar@...

À Bientôt Seayu Lodge,
email: bittar@...

email: buddhayatana@...

4/5 Warawee road / 34 Falie court
PO box 281, American River, Kangaroo Island
South Australia 5221

GMT +9h30 (allow for +1h when "summer time" in SA)

a'niccâ vata san'khârâ
( a'niccaa vata san'khaaraa )
"impermanent are structural processes"
"instables sont les flux structurels"
Siddhârtha (Siddhaartha) Gautama Buddha