Dear Ven. Kumara, Teng Kee and friends,

unfortunately, for the past seven years, due to work and part-time
study and now full-time study, I was not really active in buddhist
circles. I am sorry I may not be able to help on this. However, I
will bear this in mind and when there is such an opportunity, I will
certainly propose it to the local sangha.

I am actually in the midst of designing a web based system that
revolves around the theme of Tipitaka. It'll be part of the online
community I'm currently building. I'll update the group when I've
something more tangible to present.

Yong Peng.

--- Ong Teng Kee wrote:
> There are many in thai ,sinhala and burma .I find that
buddhadatta 's Tipitaka suci(sinhala) is the best and simple.No eng
tran for it.Maybe Yong Peng can ask some sinhala monks in Singapore
to tran.We malaysian have monk like Dhammananda who simply cannot do
scholarly job like tran and edition.
> -
> ---- Original Message -----
> From: Kumaara Bhikkhu <venkumara@...>
> Date: Sat, 18 Jan 2003 19:47:00 +0800
> > Dear all,
> >
> > Anyone know of a more complete sutta index than "An Analysis of
the Pali Canon" edited by Russell Webb?
> >
> > peace
> > Kumâra Bhikkhu