Dear Pali friends,

Returning to the question of Pali Vimuttimagga:

Bruce Burrill wrote:
BB> There is supposed to be a Pali version of the Vimuttimagga
BB> discovered within the last 29-30 years or so, but I never heard
BB> any details. I rather doubt it, but it would be nice if true.

In a note in his book A Handbook of Pali Literature, Oskar von
Hinueber says, "The 'Pali-Vim' which appeared in Ceylon in 1963 is a
modern retranslation of texts from Bapat 1937, Endo 1983; Endo 1983
and Bechert 1989, who also draws attention to the Amatakaravannana,
an unedited Pali text in verses on meditation."

Bapat 1937 is Vimutimagga and Visuddhimagga, a Comparative
Study (Poona).

Enda 1983 is The Asgiriya Manuscript of the Pali Vimuttimagga: An
Inquiry into Its Authenticity. Kalyani. Journal of Humanities and
Social Sciences of the University of Kelaniya 1, pp. 100-108.

(Asgiriya is a monastery in Sri Lanka with extensive library of
ancient manuscripts).

Bechert 1989 is Vimuttimagga and Amatakaravannana, in Amala Prajna:
Aspects of Buddhist Studies. P.V. Bapat Felicitation Volume. Delhi,
p. 11-14.

Can you please help to find any further details about Pali
Vimuttimagga? Is Asgiriya manuscript available? What is the connection
with Amatakaravannana?

Kind regards,