Yong Peng,

I can get a copy from the library. Can you borrow a copy from anywhere or anyone near you? Perhaps someone in this group might be able to help.

I don't think it would be worth the time invested to figure out a way to configure an OCR software to recognise Pali characters. So, I think that leaves us with the option of typing it manually, unless you could get a soft copy from BPS... No harm trying, is there?

If that can't be done, we can distribute the task of typing among anyone who is willing to volunteer. Many hands make light work. I'd recommend the typesetters to use
- PaliTrans 2 (the 523Kb freeware) as the word processor
- RTF as the standard file format
- CSX+ as the standard font character map (Not sure about the terminology.)
- (if possible) ZIP as the compressed format for emailing

All files shall be sent to you (or someone else) to compile. You then place it on your website, with a note saying that:
- BPS (linked to their site) kindly allowed the reproduction.
- it may contain errors as it is yet to be thoroughly proofread
- all are welcome to point out typo errors.

You can then announce the good news in this group, and that ends the first phase.

This is just a sketchy draft plan. I'd suggest that you attempt to get a soft copy from BPS first.


At 08:33 PM 30-11-02, Ong Yong Peng wrote:
>Dear Ven. Kumara and friends,
>I do not have the book, there are several ways we can do (if you have
>the book). However, I'd rather that you tell me what to do. Thanks.