Namo Buddha

I am glad to know that many of you are doing research
on Pali languages. I am reading and doing some
research on Pali with interest to pursue further
studies on Pali. Presently I am learning Pali and see
the linkages between Pali and Tamil (my
native/residential language). There are many
similarities between the Two. Tamil does not belong to
Indo-European languages. It is an independent language
and considers being ancient language among the
Dravidian languages. One of the Tamil scholar from Sri
Lanka claims that ancient Prakrit was the proto-Tamil.
Prakit was the northern form of Tamil.

There is another Tamil and Pali Scholar Pandit Iyothi
Thass (end of 19th century) said that Pali was
ancestor of both Tamil and Sanskrit. Both Sanskrit
(Indo-Aryan) as well as Tamil (Dravidian) has root in
Pali. Brahmi scripts were developed on basis of Indus
scripts in ancient days. After that Indo-European
scripts, Dravidian scripts as well as many Asian
scripts developed on the basis that.

Today all Indian languages traces root in Pali. But we
need to see the relationship of Pali and the
Austric-languages (the ancestors of all Asiatic
languages). In India, we have Aryan, Dravidian and
Austric language families (mainly). The Austric
languages are Tribal languages in India. These tribals
are defeated primitive communities who remained in
forest areas for longer period. These groups follow
the Samanic- culture. These languages are very similar
to Pali language. This shows that these Tribes are not
always tribes but they had civilized tradition in the
ancient time and they were aware of Buddhist
tradition. Many of these tribes live near the Magadh
region (the present Bihar, Jargand, Chattisgar and
some part of Utter Predesh). In general Pali has root
in all languages in India.

The Indo-European languages are mixture of Indian and
European and Dravidians are mixture of Indian and
Mediterranean languages. Before these languages came
to India, Austric languages were wide spread all over
India. Pali was the developed form of these ancient
austric languages of India.

Bavatu sabba mangalam

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