----- Original Message -----
From: "äÍÉÔÒÉÊ áÌÅËÓÅÅ×ÉÞ é×ÁÈÎÅÎËÏ (Dimitry A. Ivakhnenko)"
To: "Jou Smith" <Pali@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2002 4:33 PM
Subject: Re: [Pali] Chinese versions of Paali Suttas

> Hi Jou,

Hi Dimitry

> JS> I have started to translate Chinese Aagama suttas which I have put on
> JS> page:
> JS> http://home.vicnet.net.au/~jousmith/buddhism/budaword/from_chinese/
> Thank you for sharing these translations. They widen the perspective
> on Buddha's teaching.

You're welcome. Could I put this comment on my website as feedback?

> I find especially useful those texts where the suttas are explained
> in the context of actual practice, such as Vimuttimagga and
> Visuddhimagga.

I don't find these texts are an accurate presentation of the practice. I
find the Buddha's own words are a much more accurate presentation. I see and
have faith in the Buddha as the incomparable guide for those to be guided.

> Yet in studying the English translation of Vimuttimagga I have met
> with several obstacles - some passages were skipped due to the
> unintelligibility of the ancient Chinese manuscript, some terms were
> translated inconsistently, some incorrectly.
> I would like very much to reconstruct the text and translate at least
> partly it into Russian. Since the full Chinese text is now freely
> available at http://www.cbeta.org/result/T32.htm (No 1648, vol. 32.
> 'Jieto dao lun' or 'Chieh t'o tao lun') or in MS Word format
> http://users.i.com.ua/~sangha/dharma/lib/jieto.zip , can I ask you to
> translate some key passages missing in English translation?

I am sure such study would be interesting, but I choose to restrict myself
to words ascribed to the Buddha himself.

> For example, there is a most interesting chapter 8.4 about the
> mindfulness of respiration. Translation of the short missing passage
> about first and second steps can greatly enhance understanding of the
> first stage of this practice.
> Peace,
> Dimitry
> http://dhamma.ru

Peace from Norman Joseph (Jou) Smith
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