Hi Jou,

JS> I have started to translate Chinese Aagama suttas which I have put on this
JS> page:
JS> http://home.vicnet.net.au/~jousmith/buddhism/budaword/from_chinese/

Thank you for sharing these translations. They widen the perspective
on Buddha's teaching.

I find especially useful those texts where the suttas are explained
in the context of actual practice, such as Vimuttimagga and

Yet in studying the English translation of Vimuttimagga I have met
with several obstacles - some passages were skipped due to the
unintelligibility of the ancient Chinese manuscript, some terms were
translated inconsistently, some incorrectly.

I would like very much to reconstruct the text and translate at least
partly it into Russian. Since the full Chinese text is now freely
available at http://www.cbeta.org/result/T32.htm (No 1648, vol. 32.
'Jieto dao lun' or 'Chieh t'o tao lun') or in MS Word format
http://users.i.com.ua/~sangha/dharma/lib/jieto.zip , can I ask you to
translate some key passages missing in English translation?

For example, there is a most interesting chapter 8.4 about the
mindfulness of respiration. Translation of the short missing passage
about first and second steps can greatly enhance understanding of the
first stage of this practice.

