Dear Nina,
As a novice, I too wish I understood more about these
things, particularly prefixes, because It seems that
an understanding of these often repeated items would
make it easier to navigate around the language.
On the other hand, I'm impressed by the argument that
the smallest unit of meaning is the sentence; and even
so there are times when the meaning of a sentence
can't be gleaned from the sentence alone but must be
looked at in a wider context. The recent example
mentioned in this group where some experts thought the
Buddha wished for his words to be taught in any and
all dialects, while other experts thought the Buddha
permitted only Paali, comes to mind.
I guess what I'm saying is that it seems the
particular meaning of a word will change depending on
the words that immediately precede and follow it.
This is why I find the practice in this group of
consulting Sanskrit dictionaries so troublesome. It
seems our goal should be to find the particular
meaning in a given Paali text and not the general
meaning in a related language, although this may be
helpful too at times.
My goal for the group would be to see more discussion
of difficult passages, particularly from the Diigha.
Best Wishes,
Nina van Gorkom <nilo@...> wrote:
> Dear Paulocuana,
> I love Warder, but, it is limited. Gradually one may
> like to learn more
> details on compounds, for example. Therefore, I hope
> that the experts here
> will publish more on compounds. Saddaniiti is too
> voluminous for me
> personally to consult, and all in Pali I believe.
> Another subject I like very much: particles,
> prefixes. They are important.
> Question: kaayaanupassii: contemplating the body.
> What is the meaning of anu
> in anupassati? In PED I found among others: towards,
> after, along, in
> conformity with. Can it be like: anugacchati: going
> towards the
> characteristics of realities?
> Then the ii in kaayaanupassii: I learnt that it can
> mean: the person who
> contemplates, but also: the meaning of doing
> something habitually: who
> habitually contemplates. That would be close to the
> word viharati in this
> connection.
> I am all in for compounds and particles, whenever
> there is an opportunity,
> but it depends on the time of the experts.
> Nina.
> op 08-11-2002 01:48 schreef paulocuana op
> paulocuana@...:
> > Hi Rahula,
> >
> > I hope you got some good replies to this request.
> > There is really only one choice here. Warder's
> > book is the only way to go.

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