Dear Paulocuana,
I love Warder, but, it is limited. Gradually one may like to learn more
details on compounds, for example. Therefore, I hope that the experts here
will publish more on compounds. Saddaniiti is too voluminous for me
personally to consult, and all in Pali I believe.
Another subject I like very much: particles, prefixes. They are important.
Question: kaayaanupassii: contemplating the body. What is the meaning of anu
in anupassati? In PED I found among others: towards, after, along, in
conformity with. Can it be like: anugacchati: going towards the
characteristics of realities?
Then the ii in kaayaanupassii: I learnt that it can mean: the person who
contemplates, but also: the meaning of doing something habitually: who
habitually contemplates. That would be close to the word viharati in this

I am all in for compounds and particles, whenever there is an opportunity,
but it depends on the time of the experts.

op 08-11-2002 01:48 schreef paulocuana op paulocuana@...:

> Hi Rahula,
> I hope you got some good replies to this request.
> There is really only one choice here. Warder's
> book is the only way to go.