Thank you, Mr Ong, for the reply.

Can you be more specific as to the libraries that I could go to, particularly in Taiping?
What is "sakayanirutiya", if you care enough to explain?

I can read Chinese.

Ven K

At 07:14 PM 14-10-02, Ong Teng Kee wrote:
>ven Liew,
>I don't know what to say.As a chinese you should already read mahayana
>schools like mulasarvastivada ,dhamagupata vinaya in Taisho(Ta chen)tipitaka
>which available in many libraries in malaysia (KL,penang and even in my home
>town -Taiping).we can find story like culavagga -sakayanirutiya in these
>books from many other schools .you can also read tibetan Tanjur for free in
>malaysia or online.
>If you cannot read chinese,I do not know what to 28 you are still
>young to learn.