Thank you for the information, Robert.

I'm wondering: Yong Peng, am I going beyond the allowable scope of this list?

Ven K

At 08:01 AM 14-10-02, Robert Didham wrote:
>There are of course several vinayas in Sanskrit, Tibetan and Chinese - not
>all of which have been well researched yet and some which have been lost or
>partially lost. I am not sure of the definitive answer to your question but
>hopefully I will soon be able to get closer to one.
>On your second question, the two works which immediately spring to mind are
>Tsukomoto's A History of Early Chinese Buddhism and Zurcher's Buddhist
>Conquest of China
>But there is a huge literature on special topics (for example Peter
>Gregory's Traditions of Meditation in Chinese Buddhism and Sato's Studies on
>the Precepts of Chinese Buddhism). There was also a thesis done by Tso
>Sze-Bong on the development of Chinese Vinayas which may be worth a look
>Robert Didham