Dear Rob Ed,
Thank you very much for your explanations, and all the details which are
very interesting, also your remarks about the metres, and how this would
influence the grammatical forms used.
Your remarks prompted me to look up in Warder parassapada and attanopada,
the reflexive. I found a short explanation in Warder that attanopada is
different from what we generally mean by reflexive. This made me think of
Zeb 1001 's question:
<In Lesson 11 of the Pali Primer it has on the "present
participle" >Present participles are formed by adding -nta / maana to
the verbal base. >
Warder does not differentiate either, and just says: -nta or maana for the
present participle.
Best wishes,

Rob Ed wrote:
> Parassapada:
> 1. eyya eyyu.m
> 2. eyyaasi eyyaatha
> 3. eyyaami eyyaama
> Attanopada:
> 1. etha era.m
> 2. etho eyyavho
> 3. eyya.m eyyaamhe