Dear Yong Peng,

Sorry for the late response, I overlooked your original post. Now that Ven.
Kumâra has sent the e-mail for the BPS, perhaps you could write to ask if
they will permit ~Naa.namoli's list of grammatical terms on pages 123-134
of his "Pali-English Glossary of Buddhist Technical Terms" (1994) to be
posted on your website. I don't think they will object and it will serve as
a good skeleton for an expanded glossary with fuller explanations to be put
together by our list members.

Best wishes,


>Dear Ven. Kumara, Robert and friends,
>yes, I am pleased to put the materials on
>However, I need help in liasing with BPS and converting the text into
>digitised format. Please let me know what I should do to get started.
>Yong Peng