ya.m ki~nci - whatever;
ruupa.m - form;
atiita - past, gone by; former, belonging to the past times (pp. of
acceti 'passes');
anaagata - future (neg. pp. of aagacchati 'comes, arrives');
paccupanna.m - present, existing, arisen;
ajjhatta.m - interior, internal;
bahiddhaa - external, exterior;
o.laarika.m - coarse, gross;
sukhuma.m - subtle;
hiina.m - base;
pa.niita.m - exalted;
ya.m duure santike vaa - whether far or near
sabba.m - all;
mama - my (gen. dat. of aha.m 'I');
nesohamasmi - na eso aha.m asmi, I am not this;
meso - me eso;
me - my (Inst, Dat, Gen. enclitic of first person pronoun);
atta - reflexive pronoun;
evameta.m - eva.m eta.m;
yathaabhuuta.m - as it is;
sammappa~n~naaya - for the sake of perfect wisdom (Dative);
da.t.thabban - should be regarded.
Rahula, whatever form, - past, future or present, internal or
external, gross or sublte, base or exalted, whether it is far or near,
- all form should be regarded for the sake of perfect wisdom as it is
in such a way: "This is not mine, I am not this, this is not me".