Greetings All,

If I may, I believe the Buddha gave more than one discourse concerning the
end of the knowledge of the Dharma. The most quoted one is the Diamond
Sutra (and the many commentaries that have been distilled from that sutra).
However, for as many references that I myself have encountered, the Buddha
must have mentioned it several times.

One discourse of the Diamond Sutra I heard recently from gave a
timeline for the existence of the Dharma. Since I do not have that good of
a memory, let me take a few lines from ���The Seeker���s Glossary of

1, During the first 500 years, the Perfect Age of the Dharma, the Buddha���s
teachings are correctly practiced and enlightenment often attained.

2, The Dharma Semblance Age, lasting about 1000 years, when a form of the
teaching is practiced, but enlightenment is seldom attained.

3, The Dharma Ending Age, lasting 10,000 years, when a diluted form of the
teaching exists, but enlightenment is rarely attained.

However, the one part I do recall from the Tibetan teachings being discussed
via Lam Rim was as follows: 2500 years after the Parinibbana of the Buddha,
the Teachings would go to the land of the ���westerners��� and have a
resurgence. The actual term used was the Tibetan word for Caucasians i.e.
���red face��� or ���red cheeks���. I hope this helped without too much

With loving kindness,


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Yours in the Dhamma `=--=-'

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