Dear Ven. Kumara and friends,

Bhante, I am not sure of the sutta's name (but I think it is a
Mahayana text). The sutta is concern of the "end-of-dhamma" period
and Buddha uses an analogy to relate how the dhamma would vanish.

The lion is the king of the jungle, all other animals fear it and
can't harm it. However, the king of the jungle can be destroyed by
parasites and germs, etc. Similarly, the dhamma is strong and
indestructible as long as the parasitic elements are contained.

Yong Peng

--- Kumaara Bhikkhu wrote:
> I'm looking for a sutta in which the Buddha spoke of the
destruction of the Sasana. He said something like the Sasana would
not be destroyed by the elements, etc., but by Buddhist themselves.