Hello All,

I have been receiving this list�s e-mails for a while; but never replied.
That is, I receive these posts when all filters are working correctly at

As for the use of �Once upon a time�� I think it�s appropriate for the
Brothers Grimm and Mother Goose. After all, those are fairytales set in
imaginary lands. But to start using them for the introduction of suttas
would do serious harm to the validity and authenticity of the sutta,
relegating it to myth.

Please, for give my attachment to mere words. After all, Buddhism is all
about giving up attachments. But the phrase �Thus I have heard� not only
pays homage to the oral traditions, it puts the sutta in a position of
truth. The truth being that �this is what I have been told, not what I have
seen first hand nor a myth created to make a point.�

With Loving Kindness,


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Yours in the Dhamma `=--=-'

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