Dear Yong Peng,

Thank you for picking up the next sentence. One
comment on your translation: I think the 'pi.n.daaya'
should be placed more with the latter verb 'paavisi',
rather than the earlier 'nivaasetvaa'. That is, how
"And now, in the morning, the Blessed One dressed and
then entered Savatthi with his robe and bowl for

--- ypong001 <ypong001@...> wrote:
> Dear friends,
> thanks to Dimitry for his encouragement, I have
> provided below a
> translation of the second sentence, my very first
> attempt. Please
> give your advice.
> Atha kho Bhagavaa pubba.nhasamaya.m nivaasetvaa
> pattaciivaramaadaaya
> saavatthi.m pi.n.daaya paavisi.
> atha kho - and now
> Bhagavaa - the Blessed One
> pubba.nha - forenoon, morning
> samaya.m - time, condition
> nivaasetvaa - having dressed
> patta - bowl
> ciivaram - robe
> aadaaya - taking up, having taken
> [ pubba.nhasamaya.m nivaasetvaa pattaciivaramaadaaya
> > describing the
> setting out on his round of the bhikkhu. see PED
> Nivaaseti (p372) ]
> saavatthi.m - Savatthi (place name)
> pi.n.daaya - for alms (dative)
> paavisi - went in, entered
> Atha kho Bhagavaa pubba.nhasamaya.m nivaasetvaa
> pattaciivaramaadaaya
> saavatthi.m pi.n.daaya paavisi.
> And now, in the morning, the Blessed One having
> dressed for alms,
> entered Savatthi with his robe and bowl.
> So:
> The Greater Instruction to Rahula
> Thus have I heard. At one time the Blessed One
> stayed in the garden of
> Anathapindika, in Jeta's forest, near Savatthi. And
> now, in the
> morning, the Blessed One having dressed for alms,
> entered Savatthi
> with his robe and bowl.
> Metta
> Yong Peng

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