Dear Suan
The first volume is:
A Paali Dictionary, Part I, A-Kh
Margaret Cone, 2001
ISBN 394 X �25.00
and you can check out how to get it from the PTS site:
I don't have a copy either yet, but hope to get one soon.
Robert Didham
>From: "abhidhammika" <suanluzaw@...>
>Subject: [Pali] Re: Upanissaaya in Margaret Cone's dictionary
>Date: Fri, 09 Aug 2002 14:32:59 -0000
>Dear Dimitry
>Thank you for the article from Margaret Cone Dictionary.
>I have downloaded it just now.
>As it gives quotes longer than PTS PED on this entry, if the trend is
>consistent, I guess that MCD might be thicker than the existing PTS
>PED as well.
>And, where can we get MCD, and the cost?
>With regards,
>--- In Pali@..., "������� ���������� ��������� (Dimitry A.
>Ivakhnenko)" <sangha@...> wrote:
>Dear Suan,
>a> And, thank you for mentioning the existence of Margaret Cone
>a> Dictionary. If the entry/article was not very long, and would not
>a> too much trouble for you, I would like to see the entry in
>a> in MCD when you have time to post it here or off-list.
>Here is the article:
>upanissayati, pr. 3 sg. [S. upani'srayati, upani'srayate],
>goes near to; clings to; depends upon;
>Mil 240, 14 (yasmaa ... tathaagato attaanam na patiiyati na ~ati);
>- part. neg. anupanissayamaana, mfn., SPK I 8,3
>(na hi vikkhitto sotu.m sakkoti na ca sappurise anupanissayamaanassa
>savana.m atthii ti) = Ud-a 16,13 (Be, Se so; Ee anupassayamaanassa; Ce
>sappurisa.m anupanissaaya; = Sv 30,6: eds anupassayamaanassa);
>- absol. upanissaaya [BHS upani'sraaya], going near to; depending on;
>near (+ acc. or gen.); Vin. III 145,38 (isayo ga'nga.m nadi.m
>upanissaaya vihari.msu); M II 45,15 ('nga.m ... gaamanigama.m
>Kassapo bhagavaa ... upanissaaya vihaasi); S I 89,5 (raajaa kho
>appamatto viharati appamaada.m upanissaaya); 146,28 (dvaarabaaha.m
>upanissaaya a.t.tha.msu); A IV 354,4 (cattaaro dhammaa upanissaaya
>vihaatabbaa); Sn 867 (tam uupanissaaya [mc] pahoti chando); 978 (tass'
>eva upanissaaya gaamo ca vipulo ahuu; Pj II 581,18 foll.: tassaa ti
>... upayogatthe c' eta.m saamivacana.m, ta.m upanissaaya ti attho); Ja
>I 252, 8 (bodhisatto Baaraa.nasiya.m se.t.thi ahosi, ta.m upanissaaya
>eko vaaru.nivaanijo jiivati); III 143,13 (bhante tumhe mahallakaa amhe
>taava upanissaayaa vasatha); IV 238,11 (mahanta.m kaararukkha.m
>upanissaaya pa.n.nasaala.m maapetvaa); Ap 439,2 (ta.m kamma.m
>upanissaya sa.msaara.m samatikammi.m); Mil 373,25 (evaruupa.m
>kalyaa.namitta.m aacariya.m upanissaaya viharitabba.m); Vism 75,25
>([abbhokaasikassa] ukka.t.thassa rukkha.m vaa pabbata.m vaa geha.m vaa
>upanissaaya vasitu.m na va.t.tati;
>- neg. anupanissaaya, Ja II 370, 21 (attaana.m upanissaaya ca
>anupanissaaya ca jiivamaanavasena sabbe pi sattaa dve ko.t.thaase
>katvaa dassitaa honti);
>- pp upanissita, mfn. [BHS upani'srita], clinging to, dependent
>(upon); Vin V 112,11 (katama.m adhikarana.m ~a.m); S I 166,8*
>(kuhana.m ~o); Thii 184 (paasa.n.daa di.t.thiyo ~aa); Mil 207,17
>(vijjaasampanno hitesii ~aana.m);
>- fpp upanissitabba, mfn., Ps II 89,10 (ime pa~nca dhammaa
>upanissitabbaa, Be, Se so; Ce, Ee wr upanisaatabbaa).
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