Thanks Teng,
I am way, way too much of a beginner to worry about the alternate
readings of the texts yet, so I think I won't worry too much about
Budsir for now. Interesting that it has pali sound to go with it on
the disc though!
I appreciate that you take such care checking different readings
with your work.
In Pali@..., "Ong Teng Kee" <otengkee@...> wrote:
> Dear Rob,
> I think you should rather compare the reading in thai and burmese
> council reading from these cdrom.That Budsir cd has sound chanting
out the
> pali texts you point out.They has pali thai dict on it.Cscd missed
out all
> the alternate readings in all com and sub com.I still have to
spend a loy of
> money for each volume because you simply cannot claim you already
has the
> sixth council burmese texts and also many books have left out in
it.I know
> nothing about pali trans .You simply cannot print out the cscd
text with the
> note reading below each page.