From: ypong001
Message: 998
Date: 2002-07-30
> The Buddha speaks the truth.2. Braahma.naa odana.m bhu~njanti.
> Brahmins eat (cooked) rice.3. Manusso suriya.m passati.
> Brahmins enjoy (a meal of) rice.
> The man sees the moon.4. Kumaaraa sigaale paharanti.
> The boys hit the jackals.5. Yaacakaa bhatta.m yaacanti.
> Beggars beg rice.6. Kassakaa aavaa.te kha.nanti.
> Farmers dig pits.7. Mitto gaama.m aagacchati.
> The friend comes to the village.8. Bhuupaalo manusse rakkhati.
> The king protects the people.9. Puttaa pabbata.m gacchanti.
> Sons go to the mountain.10. Kumaaro Buddha.m vandati.
> The boy worships the Buddha.11. Vaa.nijaa patte aaharanti.
> The boy pays respect to the Buddha.
> Merchants bring bowls.12. Puriso vihaara.m gacchati.
> The man goes to the monastery.13. Kukkuraa pabbata.m dhaavanti.
> Dogs run to the mountain.14. Sigaalaa gaama.m aagacchanti.
> Jackals come to the village.15. Braahma.naa sahaayake aaharanti.
> Brahmins bring friends.16. Bhuupaalaa sugata.m vandanti.
> Kings worship the Buddha.17. Yaacakaa sayanti.
> Beggars sleep.18. Mittaa sunakhe haranti.
> Friends take the dogs away.19. Putto canda.m passati.
> The son sees the moon.20. Kassako gaama.m dhaavati.
> The farmer runs to the village.21. Vaa.nijaa rukkhe chindanti.
> Merchants cut the trees.22. Naro sigaala.m vijjhati.
> The man shoots the jackal.23. Kumaaro odana.m bhu~njati.
> The boy eats rice.24. Yaacako paharati.
> The beggar hits the dog.25. Sahaayakaa pabbate aaruhanti.
> Friends climb mountains.Translate into Pali.
> Manussaa vihara.m gacchanti.2. Farmers climb mountains.
> Kassakaa pabbate aaruhanti.3. The brahmin eats rice.
> odana.m bhu~njati.4. The Buddha sees the boys.
> Buddho kumaare passati.5. Uncles take away bowls.
> Maatulaa patte haranti.6. The son protects the dog.
> Putto sona.m rakkhati.7. The king worships the Buddha.
> Bhuupaalo Buddha.m vandati.8. The merchant brings a boy.
> Vaa.nijo kumaara.m aaharati.9. Friends salute the brahmin.
> Mittaa braahmana.m vandanti.10. Beggars beg rice.
> Yaacakaa bhatta.m yaacanti.11. Merchants shoot jackals.
> Vaa.nijaa sigaale vijjhanti.12. Boys climb the mountain.
> Kumaaraa pabbata.m aaruhanti.13. The farmer runs to the village.
> Kassako gama.m dhaavati.14. The merchant cooks rice.
> Vaa.nijo bhatta.m pacati.15. Sons worship the uncle.
> Puttaa maatula.m vandanti.16. Kings protect men.
> Bhuupaalaa manusse rakkhanti.17. The Buddha comes to the monastery.
> Buddho vihaara.m aagacchati.18. The men descend.
> Purisaa oruhanti.19. Farmers dig pits.
> Kassakaa aavaate kha.nanti.20. The merchant runs.
> Vaa.nijo dhaavati.21. The dog sees the moon.
> Kukkuro canda.m passati.22. Boys climb trees.
> Kumaaraa rukkhe aaruhanti.23. The brahmin brings the bowl.
> patta.m aaharati.24. The beggar sleeps.
> Yaacako sayati.25. The king sees the Buddha.
> Bhuupaalo Buddha.m passati.For more information: