From: Дмитрий Алексеевич Ивахненко (Dimitry A. Ivakhnenko) Message: 942 Date: 2002-07-04
Dear John,
Thank you for your work.
Here you have my suggestions:
Lesson 6, Section 1
sikkhaapadaa - rules of training
vimalo - unblemished
purisapuggalo - person
vijjumaalii satakkaku - with edge of lightings and countless ledges
A wise man, surpasses the greedy person by five things:
By longevity, fame, health, and happiness;
And he, provided with wealth, enjoys heaven after death.
Atha kho - and then
And Sela the brahmin saw some people...
Will there be a giving away of a bride, or giving away of a
bridegroom, or does venerable Keniya prepare great offering,...
(Keniya is after all an ascetic and is unlikely to marry or have sons.)
Sakyakulaa pabbajito - gone forth from the Sakya clan
one who has gone forth from Sakya clan
atthaaya - for the well-being
acchariyamanussaa - extraordinary people
bhaaseyya is a third person singular optative from bhaasate "is
spoken, speaks", therefore:
Such speech should be spoken, that does not torment yourself;
And does not harm others - such speech is well-spoken.
Thus pleasant speech should be spoken, speech that is welcome;
That does not carry evil, pleasant for others when spoken.
'The truthful speech is deathless' - this is the eternal law;
They say: 'In truth, wellbeing and Dhamma good people are established'.
Lesson 6, Section 2
Of all the disciples of the Blessed one who constantly apply resolute
effort, I am one of them. But for me the mind does not get free from the
biases due to the absance of clinging, and my family is renown for its
wealth, so it is possible for me to enjoy wealth and make merit.
kusalo - skillful
were you skillful in playing the lute?
saravatii - sonding melodically
would the lute sound melodically or be fit to play?
nimitta - theme of concentration
(thinking is abandoned from the second jhana onwards)
attho - well-being
Because of harming others by actions of body or speech,
The person overwhelmed with anger suffers loss of wealth.
diipa.m - refuge ('light' is a later commentarial meaning)
3. - attribute
Uuhana - grasp, comprehension
"Grasping is the attribute of attention, ..."
...approached the Blessed one...
In that case, Brahmin, I will thus ask you in response...
sandi.t.thiko - evident
'bho' is the same as 'bhava.m' - a respectful form of address