From: Kumaara Bhikkhu
Message: 881
Date: 2002-06-15
>--- In Pali@..., Lee Dillion <leedillion@...> wrote:
>> So you can continue to claim all over the internet that the soul is
>> beyond the aggregates, but, as noted by the Buddha, such a
>claim "would
>> only be speech (vag-vastu-matram), and if asked one would be unable
>> answer, it would increase one's stupidity (sammoham apadyeta)."
>> commentary to this sutta reads "Tassa vacavatthur ev assa. Spk: It
>> be just mere utterance. But if one passes over the twelve sense
>> one cannot point out any real phenomenon."
>> ----
>> Lee Dillion
>Thanks for your reply Lee, beyond the 'all' described in your quotes,
>indeed, we will never find any real phenomena. The soul is not a
>When you see the Buddha, kill the Buddha. This means, that if you
>think you have found a Soul or a Buddha or whatever, you have not
>found the real "thing", why? because the real "thing" can't be found,
>for this would imply that it has spacial dimensions, etc...
>Thus, my questions regarding Soul still remain unanswered.
>Good Day :)
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