Dear Piya Tan & Andy,

Thanks for you replies and encouragement. Also for the Acharn Maha Boowa
reference. I will have a look at it when I have the time.

Best wishes,


>Thanks for the lovely and clear answers to the questions!
>In practical terms, I really like Ven. Maha Boowa's words on the mind of
>unawareness. To my mind, this is the clearest explanation I have found in
>Buddhist teachings of two key points:
>a) Why the mind of unawareness can trick a meditator into thinking that they
>have achieved full enlightenment.
>b) Why the experience of the mind of unawareness can make a meditator
>complacent and give them the impression that they have an "eternal soul".
>For instance, I really like this quote about all experiences in meditation:
>"*whatever makes an appearance, investigate it.*"
>The book is available at the "Access to Insight" web site.
>Straight from the Heart
>Thirteen Talks on the Practice of Meditation
>by Venerable Acariya Maha Boowa Ñanasampanno
>caveat meditator and peace from