Dear Venerables; Hi group;

First, an apology to people waiting off-list for replies. I've spent the
week doing some thinking about the best use of my time.

Some of you may know that I have another "little project" going on - ending
hunger. Last year in August (after 9 months of research) I found the key to
ending hunger in my country of Canada. We could end hunger by Christmas this
year and prove it. It wouldn't even cost anything! (One million Canadians go
to bed hungry every night - including tonight.)

So, I think I'm going to take a break from my Pali work and focus on that
project. If I don't get going on it now, I might miss the harvest season in
the fall.

However, I need a good strategy.

I got rid of my television years ago, but I was thinking that media coverage
will be important. So I started looking at newspapers and other media to see
how the media handles news. In other words, what kind of news gets

It would seem that only two types of news get headlines.
a) really, really bad news
b) an amazing and astounding turn of events.

For instance, the most amazing, effective and impressive "turn of event"
strategy that I ever heard about was used by Howard Hughes. The government
wanted to seize control of his assets. With a brilliant idea, he managed to
keep control of his assets and became a business hero with the same
legendary stature as Robin Hood.

This is the kind of brilliant strategy thinking that I like.

It would seem that the media prefers to report on negative things. However,
there must be a way to get that headline in a constructive and beneficial
way. So, a very unique and tough question?

What does the Pali Canon say about "strategies" and "strategic thinking"
that might help me get my message out to "the general population" in a
constructive and beneficial way?

Anyway, if I am successful, no Canadian will ever have to worry about where
their next meal is coming from by Christmas this year.

thanks and peace from


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