Dear Henry

I understand the difficulty of starting out - I tried to do this many years
ago with Tibetan and all I could get at the time was a copy of Jaeschke's
grammar and there was not a teacher in sight. Not easy.

However, what sort of material are you working with and what is it that is
getting you stuck? Directing you to useful beginner's material is hard if
you don't tell us what it is that you are finding difficult. I assume you
have done some study of other languages before but don't know if you have
done any Sanskrit. Also, which language do you prefer to learn in (this is
important if you are - for example - a German speaker working with English
texts when a German text such as von Hinuber's may be easier to work with)

Robert Didham

>From: Lohner@...
>Subject: [Pali] Ovewhelmed!
>Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2002 19:01:08 +0200 (MEST)
>Sorry I've only quite recently taken up Pali and feel quite overwhelmed by
>the information (though definetly useful) posted. Any ideas where I find
>beginners information?
>GMX - Die Kommunikationsplattform im Internet.

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