Hi Renuka,

k> HOW did you access Lenny's mediattion page with your translator site.

Just copied the URL in the translator URL box, and applied some

What can I say? Try again. Geocities have bad connection and pop-up
windows, so sometimes large files just don't load.

Or, better yet, ask Lenny himself for full information ;^)

In the end of this message you will find a passage from
'Meditation.htm' relating to the modern meditation movements, in
computer translation (somewhat corrected).

Another title by Ven Nanarama is 'The Seven Contemplations of Insight'
published by BPS.

The booklet by Ven. Nanananda that I have read is:

Seeing Through: A Guide to Insight Meditation
Printed for free distribution by J.Alwis
T.P.G.N.Leelaratne & U.Sapukotana
(no year, no ISBN, no publisher indicated)

There is also his book downloadable from BPS:

From Tupsy-turvydom to Wisdom

The meditation instructions of Ven. Amatha Gavesi are available at:

Glad to help you,

8. Theravada meditation movements of the modern age

In this connection, I do not want to limit myself only to Sri Lanka,
and also in more than one short enumeration:

One may attach big importance to the Birman Vipassana-centres represented
everywhere in the country which were involved
considerably in the meditation euphoria like we find them in
Myanmar to expand among the sinhalesischen nonprofessional's
Buddhists. But the case was with far less success than in Burma. Some
eminent sinhalesische monk-older practiced criticism of the
Vipassana-only Attitude of the Birman centres and cared for disconcertion
and scepticism. Unfortunately, must also be mentioned that the quality
of these centres in the course of the last ten years has got worse
drastically. This concerns not only two biggest centres, the
international Lanka Vipassana Centre in Colombo under the
administration Ven. Pemasiri and the international Vipassana
Meditation Centre in Kanduboda under the administration Ven.
Madawala Upali (both by different teaching views the whole Birman
Vipassana Medal group ( the Shweyin " Nikaya in two warehouses split)
but also many their twig monasteries scattered about the whole
country(land) (how zB. in a suburb Gampahas) in this tradition
numerous books appeared to the meditation. The most important
personality and author of innumerable books is the late a few years
ago Rerukane Chandananda Mahathera.

In the area from samatha however, meditation does itself in Sri Lanka
far more:

Here there are some " monastische groups similar to sect and
nonprofessional's movements from what

The respectable Amatagavesi, to itself also in other sudostasiat. To
countries(lands) of big popularity pleases (first of all Singapore,
one of the biggest pecuniary resources sinhalesischer buddh.
Meditation movements) and by a completely new-designed meditation
system that complicates very much and relatively unleaned in the
Palikanon should be, falls out.

Only a good name retains from a few decades still so praiseworthy in
the book Forest Monks Of Sri Lanka " represented Sri Kalyani Samstha,
a community of the forest monasteries whose group is estimated
at about 250. First of all by the temple monks of the cities in the
medal to carried partly frightening signs of decay (money and property
assemblage, political activity, sexual misdemeanours) rapidly spread
under sinhalesischen Sangha. Although such tendencies again release
counterreforms and solved, brings the consensus of the wide population
which pursues this development, certainly, anxiously, however, no
interest in it has to intervene (on account of possible bad karma that
from it could appear so the propaganda of some of the more modern "
monks), these quickly to a hold. Also aggressive nonprofessional's
organizations like the Vinaya-Wardhana strengthen rather the distrust
in reform attempts of nonprofessional's side which one, however,
earlier or later, can not becomes renounce.

To such a small reform group within the Waldmonchsanghas the strict
monk's municipality can around the respectable one Nanananda to the
Mitirigala which carry, however, again only too often character
similar to sect and with those of alleged Arahats and media is teeming
. for a moment, anyhow, groups exciting for mostly sensation.

Then Versteut we still can in Sri Lanka to forests, ascetic meditative
monks find: first of all who is near Adam Peak should know that we
have here one of the favorite national parks of meditative monks. He
solved with it the Yala national park from which can not grant the
care basis of the monks by frightened and in consequence wandered
through nonprofessionals by the belligerent discussions with the LLTE
any more.

As an island-wide known and estimated meditation teacher would still
be named last of all the Mr. Ananda de Silva teaching in Kalutara,
unfortunately, however, pupils in the 50th to such celebrity got
already late Sri Matara Nanarama Mahathera (on which nearly all
current meditation masters refer). Mr de Silva could move big
shifts of the population to regular meditating with his system
there aimed on loving goodness.