> > 16. Aapa.nasi.m bha.n.daani vikki.nantassa
> > vaa.nijassa ratho atthi.
> > Ans: The merchant who sells goods at the shop has a
> > vehicle.
> Since atthi means "is" and vaa.nijassa is genitive,
> wouldn't a more accurate translation be:
> That is the vehicle of the merchant who sells goods at
> the shop.

Rune E. A. Johansson, in _Pali Buddhist Texts_, page 125, says
"It should be pointed out that Pali has no equivalent to our verb
'have.' The idea may be expressed in many ways, e.g. "atthi" +
dat[ive] or gen[itive} "there is to me."

It looks like this sentence is a good example.
