I like the one by Ven. Acharya Buddharakkhita, the reason is the
language he used is simple and present the essence of the teaching in
an impressive manner.
I also love those that have a story attached to the verses. Such
editions serve as good educational materials in addition to be a
sourcebook for dhamma quotes. One of them is <The Dhammapada, Verses
and Story> translated by Daw Mya Tin and published by Sri Satguru
Publications (India), another is <Illustrated Dhammapada, Treasury of
Truth> by Ven. Weragoda Sarada Maha Thero from Buddhist Meditation
Centre (Singapore). The Illustrated Dhammapada is a classic, every
verse is in Pali and English, the English translation comes in two
forms - verse and prose, the story is included as well as a
commentary on each verse, there is also a full-page full-colour
specially commissioned picture accompanying every verse. The entire
work is more than 900 pages with a subject index and an index to the
first line of pali verses. Although it costs more, it is very
readable with the illustrations, stories, commentaries and
explanatory notes. It is so popular that it is also available in
Chinese now.
One side note: although I have not made a thorough check, I think
there are more English versions (ie. different translations) of the
Dhammapada than the Bible.
Yong Peng.
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