Hi, Derek,

DC> The difference is one of degree.

DC> Going forth "due to faith" would mean that faith was the motivating
DC> factor.

DC> Going forth "with faith" would mean that there were other motivating
DC> factors, with faith providing the support or encouragement to
DC> actually take this step.

I think it's 'out of faith'. How else a novice could know what's in
the Path for him?

When you enroll on such a mundane thing as speed reading course, you
just believe people who tell you that there will be some result. Later
on you may start to obtain experiential knowledge and evidence, but at
the start you just make the step into unknown.

You can find in the Kiitaagiri sutta MN 70 (2.2.10, Ro: I.478)

a description of those who are released through faith and who live
according to faith.

P.S. Thank you very much for the detailed explanation of Pali metre
peculiarities, it has expanded my horizons.

It seems that Robinson treats this subject in more detail in the
introduction to the "Buddhist Religion".
