Hi, Dimitry,

According to Bhikkhu Bodhi's report on the commentary, Channa's agitation
and annihilationist views were due to his not having done the preliminary
steps in the right order.

MN 107 seems to give precise instructions -- no?

For those who don't have easy access to the texts, I'll give a summary of
the sequential method the Buddha teaches in MN 107.

The brahmin after whom MN 107 is named, Ga.naka Moggallaana, requests the
Buddha's instruction on the gradual, step-by-step method of training.

Firstly, says the Buddha, the brahmin is to practice virtuous conduct.

Then he is to keep his sense-doors guarded -- i.e., he must not grasp at his
sense perceptions.

After this, he is to practice eating in moderation. Then he is to practice
sleeping in moderation.

Then he is to practice mindfulness while walking, eating, etc. -- in other
words, everyday practice, and NOT sit-down mindfulness practice of the
Satipa.t.thaana Sutta.

Once mindfulness is established, he sits down for formal samaadhi

He begins by working on abandoning the five hindrances.

And only then does he enter the jhaana-s -- in order, of course.

In MN 61 the Buddha, talking to Raahula, gives more detailed instructions on
how to work on practicing virtuous conduct.

Is that what you want to do -- take MN 107 as a skeleton, and then flesh out
the details from other sutta-s?
