Hi Khaik-Cheang Oo,

chc> Apparently not. When the CD-ROM is open, there are only two
chc> commands - either to print or to save to file. There is no command
chc> to copy to WS WORD. Both require the Myanmar page range to be
chc> specified. I usually print out the text before trying to do a
chc> translation because I find staring into the monitor too long affects
chc> my vision.

The white background of CSCD program is apparently unhealthy.

I'm sending you the MS Word macros VriRoman.dot I was talking about.

Copy it to c:\windows\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates or wherever
your MS Word templates (*.dot) are.

Start MS Word, and open new document using this template.

Start CSCD program, if the necessary fragment if small, just select it
with the mouse, press Ctrl+C and then paste it in new MS Word

If the necessary fragment is big, check the Myanmar numbers of its
first and last page as indicated on the bottom line of the screen

(for example,
Vipassana Research Institute VRI -> 1.1 Myanmar -> 1.1 )

select in the menu

Book -> Save to file

and enter Myanmar pages range, saving the fragment as *.rtf file.

Close CSCD program.

Open saved *.rtf file in MS Word, select all text by pressing Ctrl+A,
copy and paste it in document which you have previously opened
with template VriRoman.

Select all the text and assign it VriRomanPali CN font.

Select from the menu

Tools -> Macros -> Macros...

and execute macros VriRoman.

Now you have the text which you can print, read with any background,
or do whatever you like.

The bug I noticed is that some cap Pali letters with diacrytical marks
(like Ii, Uu, 'N) don't get converted, but they are quite rare and can
be replaced manually if such need arises.

Metta, especially to your eyes,