study group

From: evelyn chew
Message: 26
Date: 2001-07-25

hi, one & all,
i borrowed Pali Primer two week ago, and yes, it's a good book for
many words are repeated in the exercises so that we can familiarise
ourselves with them.
the author concentrated on masculine and did the 7 cases in 7 lessons - Our
Prof Sumanapala did it in 1 lesson & then introduced neuter and feminine.
This is what i call a 'crash course'.
so Yong Peng's suggestion to decide on a book & study together is good. i
need that discipline otherwise, i'll be lost in no time.
hope to have a study group.
metta, beng suan

>I suggest that we all decide on a book to study and work on it together,
>with the help of computer technology. For those living close to each other,
>you may want to meet up occasionally for discussions too. I suggest that we
>choose one of the following texts:
>1. An Elementary Pali Course, Ven. Narada Thera
>2. The New Pali Course, Prof. A. P. Buddhadatta, Maha Nayaka Thero
>3. Pali Primer, Dr. Lily de Silva
>Please contribute your ideas.
>Lastly, I hope you will all enjoy the list.
>Yong Peng.

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