Dear Friends,

Greetings and a happy holidays to you all. In this writing I will
respond to Mr. K. Loganathan whom I thank for reading my lengthy paper
and responding. I will respond to his comments in parts as I go
through his letter, For the sake of shedding more light on the Turkish
- Sumerian relationship, I will be lengthy as this is a very important
matter. Thank you for your patience.

Polat Kaya

PART-1: Turkish - Sumerian kinship

> --- "K. Loganathan" <ulagankmy@...> wrote:
> > To:,
> >,
> >,
> > From: "K. Loganathan" <ulagankmy@...>
> > Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2004 19:45:06 -0800 (PST)
> > Subject: [akandabaratam] Sumerian Dravidian and
> > Turkish
> >
> Dear Friends
> While I am not opposed to Turkish being another
> variant of SumeruTamil just as perhaps Hungarian, the
> Pakistani Siraiki and so forth, it does not seem to be
> reasonable to claim that Sumerian is a evolutionary
> development of Archaic Turkic language. The time frame
> of these two languages just does not fit this claim.

POLAT KAYA responds:

I appreciate your understanding that Turkish, Sumerian, Tamil and
Hungarian are related languages, however Turkish is not a variant of
SumeruTamil as you put it. On the contrary, it would be more correct
to say that Sumerian was a variant of Turkish - as is Tamil.
Sumerian, Tamil and Turkish are Turanian languages, and Turanian
languages are Turkic, that is, the languages of Tur/Turk peoples. If
Sumerian does not appear exactly the same as Turkish, it is because
Sumerian, at worst, was a dialect of Turkish - just like present-day
dialects of Turkish are - as spoken throughout the present Turkish
world. Additionally, the established presentation of Sumerian is very
nebulous. This will become clearer as I go through your comments in
this dialog.

The Sumerian language, as it is known at present, has been read
through a frosted-glass. That "frosted-glass" window is the so-called
"Akkadian" language which is a manufactured language using Sumerian
and/or Turkish words and phrases as the source - as spoken at that
time. Therefore the Sumerian that is presented to us is very much
blurred and Semitized. In other words, the Sumerian language is
presented to us in a distorted form meaning that its presentation is
not truly authentic. When S. N. Kramer wrote about Sumerian, he
described it in relation to Turkish by using "double negatives" as if
he did not know how to express his thoughts in the positive sense.
S. N. Kramer said:

"Sumerian resembles no little such agglutinative languages as Turkish,
Hungarian, and some of the Caucasian languages. In vocabulary,
grammar, and syntax, however, Sumerian still stands alone and seems to
be unrelated to any other language, living or dead." [1]

This statement by S. N. Kramer, when translated into the positive
sense, becomes: "Sumerian resembles very much such agglutinative
languages as Turkish, Hungarian, and some of the Caucasian languages."

Using "double negatives" in the sentence distances Sumerian from these
Turanian languages. The Turkish speaking S. N. Kramer knew that
Sumerian was a Turanian language and that it had huge similarities
with Turkish yet somehow he did not identify this clearly. Furthermore
he added another vague sentence, that is, "In vocabulary, grammar, and
syntax, however, Sumerian still stands alone and seems to be unrelated
to any other language, living or dead".

This talk is a vague one in that it is not clear whether his phrase
"to any other language, living or dead" refers to all languages
including Turkish, Hungarian and the Caucasian languages, or, all
other languages other than those Turanian languages he just mentioned,
that is, Turkish, Hungarian and the Caucasian languages. Kramer seems
to be playing games on words and nobody is questioning it.

Surely, when Kramer read Sumerian "ME-EN" meaning "I am" he knew that
it was the Turkish word "MEN" meaning "I am", but somehow he did not
identify it as Turkish. Similarly other scholars did not do so
either. Of course there were many other words of Sumerian that were
actually Turkish but yet they were somehow regarded as the words of an
"extinct" language. Yet the Turkish language that Kramer knew and
spoke was very much alive.

The so-called Caucasian languages were originally Turkish, only they
became broken up and distorted languages after some of these peoples
were converted into new religions. They were converted not only in
beliefs in divinity, but also the one language they spoke was altered.

About the name TUR:

The Turkic name TUR or Turk does not appear in Sumerian writings. But
this appearance is rather false. The name TUR has been suppressed in
reading Sumerian texts. We have the evidence for this suppression. One
very important footnote regarding the name TUR has been preserved for
us by C. J. Gadd. He writes: [2] in footnote III. 1: "TUR is read
"mar" in
the name of this god".

Here he openly says that the term "MAR" is actually the name "TUR" of
a god, but somehow, due to some "arbitrary convention", TUR is not
read as TUR but is read as MAR. I am grateful to C. J. Gadd for
writing this footnote. I must add here that the Turkish word TUR has
been read as MAR and/or AMAR in the reading of the Sumerian texts.
This reading of course obliterates totally the name TUR from
translated texts.

The referred Sumerian text has been transliterated by Gadd as:

"DINGIR.LUGAL-MAR-DA-DINGIR-RA-NI-IR" translated by him as "To
Lugal-Marda, his god".

However, in view of his footnote cited above, the transliteration of
this Sumerian expression should have been, that is, if the word TUR
was not transformed into MAR:

"DINGIR.LUGAL-TUR-DA-DINGIR-RA-NI-IR" and the new English translation
should have been "To Lugal TUR-ADA, his god" which I will compare with
the following Turkish expression:

"TENGIR.ULU aGa-AL TUR ATA, TENGIR-ER ER-IN" meaning "God, the Great
Lord Red TUR Father, The God-Man of man" which refers to the ancient
Turanian Sky-God Sun-God TUR from which the names Tur, Turk, Turan and
Turkish come from. When we compare these two expressions side by side
we get the following picture:



where the last suffix IN (UN) is the Turkish suffix for 3rd person
singular possessive on nouns.

Thus, in this one statement alone appearing in a Sumerian text,
finding God's name in the form of TUR and/or TUR ATA sets the required
time frame that K. Loganathan wants to establish for concurrent
presence of Turkish with Sumerian. Evidently the name TUR and its
derivatives were suppressed so badly that they and many other Turkish
words had no chance of being read and recognized as Turkish. Thus it
is quite clear that a lot of defrauding of Turkish under the guise of
"scholarliness" and "language development" have been inflicted on the
reading of Sumerian texts starting from ancient times. Semitizing the
ancient Turanian Tur/Turk/Sumer texts has been in full force without
regard for the authentic Tur/Turk identity of these writings. In
plain terms, this is called intentional obliteration or fraud.

The Turkish name TUR is also a personification of "bull". In ancient
Turkish "UT" means "cattle". [3] "UTU-ER" means "male cattle", that
is, the "bull". But it is also Turkish "UT-U ER" (OD U ER) meaning
"Fire is that Man" referring to the Sun-God. Thus because of the
nature of the Turkish language, "UTU-ER" has become "U TUR" meaning
"He is TUR" referring to the ancient Turanian Sun-God UTU and also
personifying the Sun-God as a "BULL".

Sumerian GUD means "bull". It is most likely that this word was
developed from Turkish "aGa-UD" meaning "Lord cattle" which, of
course, is the "bull". But it is also Turkish "aGa-OD" meaning "Lord
Fire" which again refers to the Sun and the Sun-God UDU or UTU.

John L. Hayes writes [4]: "The Sumerian AMAR-UTU, "young bull of UTU",
appears in Akkadian as MARDUK, presumably from amar.utu.(k). . . .It
has however, also been argued that "Marduk" is not of Sumerian or of
Akkadian origin, and has nothing to do with "Amar-Utu"."

The word "AMAR-UTU", meaning "young bull", is, without question,
linguistically related to the Turkish expression "EMER UT U" (AMAR UT
O) meaning "It is suckling cattle" or "It is young cattle" which
refers to a young bull or calf. Turkish "EMER" (AMAR) means "He who

Evidently MARDUK is a concocted name that did not exist before, but it
was invented to replace the ancient Turanian God's name "TUR". We will
expand on this further. We have additional information from another source.

Encyclopaedia Britannica writes: [5]

"MARDUK, a late name for the god of the city of Babylon, who appears
regularly in the classical Sumerian liturgies under the titles
Asar-lu-dug and Enbilulu. The original title is Asaru, which occurs in
the old pantheon at Fara, c. 3200 B.C., and so far as known , long
before the city of Babylon was founded. ASARU , ASAR-RI, is a title
of this, originally inferior deity of the cult of ENKI at ERIDU, as
son of the water god, a deity of lustration. His connection with
Babylon, which is first mentioned as a small city by Sargon in the
28th century B. C. may be original and very old. The title MARDUK
lays special emphasis upon his solar aspect. It is certain that all
the older titles of this god , ASARU, ASAR-ALIM, ASAR-ALIM-NUN-NA,
ASARLUDUG, describe him as an inferior deity of the water cult of
ERIDU, and how he came to be transferred to Babylon is at present
inexplicable. ALIM means the mythical fish ram, symbol of his father,
the water god of ERIDU, and ASARU was the god of lustration at HABUR
in Eridu. ASARLUDUG means "Asaru who restores man to happiness," and
describes his original activity as agent of ENKI in all magical
rituals of the water cult against demons. MARDUK is pre-eminently the
god of the magicians in Babylonian and Assyrian religion, and this was
his sole sphere in the original Sumerian pantheon. "

With the rapid rise of Babylon under the 11 kings of the first dynasty
(2169-1870 B.C.), the priests of the local cult looked for some means
of increasing the respect due to the god of the great capital and a
theological reason for it. Inasmuch as the Sumerian pantheon had been
universally accepted by the Akkadians , and had now a firm hold upon
the religious beliefs of the Semites in Assyria, Cappadocia, and the
Amoritic western country, it was impossible to make ASARU one of the
three heads of the trinity; these were securely held by ANU, ENLIL and
ENKI. But the old war and sun-god NINURTA, ZAMAM, son of ENLIL, was
largely drawn upon to make ASARU also a sun god, and more especially
the god of the spring sun. This addition to his original character as
a god of lustration and magic was brought about by rewriting the
Sumerian legend of Creation in which NINURTA championed the gods
against the dragon of Chaos, the storm demon ZU, and then created the
world. The new Semitic version in six books attributed this victory
of the gods to MARDUK. The name itself was introduced at this time,
AMAR-UDU, AMAR-UTU, and means "young bull, the sun", becoming, after
the regular rule of Sumerian loanwords, MARUTUKKU, MARUDUKKU,
Editions of Cuneiform texts, 99,113, and Cuneiform texts . . .
. in the British Museum, and the Greek , MARADOUCHOS, MARDAKOS,

What this excerpt from EB really tells us, in plain language, is that
the Akkadians and other Semites plagiarized the much earlier religious
texts of the ancient Tur/Turk Sumerians in order to come up with a
wind based belief of their own, that is, EL (YEL "The Wind") versus AL
(The Red Sun) both of which are from the Turkish language. Even
Aesop's Fable where the Sun and the Wind have a contest amongst
themselves refer to this imaginary fight.

Let us now dwell on some of these names mentioned in this selection
from Encyclopaedia Britannica.

1. 'ASAR-LU-TUG". TUG in Turkish is "flag-staff" to which an emblem is
attached. Such a flag is also the symbol of sovereignty and unity,
that is, being "ONE" (BIR). God is the absolute sovereign of the
universe. The Sun is the absolute sovereign in our solar system. TUG
is a symbol of GOD. God in the ancient Masarian ("Egyptian") writing
system is symbolized as a flagpole with a phonetic value of NTR. [6]
[7] The NTR consonants are the consonants of Turkish word TANRI
meaning GOD. Thus, "ASAR-LU-TUG" is another form of Turkish
expression "AS ER ULU TUG" (AS ER ULU TANRI) meaning "Peerless Man
Great God" describing God in Turkish.

2. The word ENBILULU from "EN-BIL-ULU" is the Turkish expression "HAN
BIL ULU" meaning "Lord Knowledge Great" (Great Knowledge is Lord)
referring to "Knowledge as being power".

3. Sumerian ENKI meaning "Lord Earth" is actually Turkish "HAN-KaYa"
meaning "Lord Rock" referring to the Earth. In the Turkish OGUZ-KAGAN
epic this is the DAG-HAN character meaning "Mountain Lord". A
mountain is a big rock sticking out of the earth.

4. Sumerian ERIDU is a form of Turkish "YERIDU" meaning "it is the

5. ASARU can be explained in many different ways in Turkish:

a) "AS ER O" meaning "he is peerless man" referring to ancient
Turanian Sky-Father-God.

b) "IShUR O" meaning "He shines" referring to the Sun, that is, the
ancient Turanian Sun-God.

c) "IShi-ER-O" meaning "He is light man" referring to the Sun that
lights up the Earth.

d) "ISi-ER-O" meaning "He is heat man" referring to the Sun that
heats the Earth.

e) "SU-ER-O" meaning "He is water man" referring to the water God of Earth.

f) "ESER-O" meaning "It blows" referring to the Wind God of Earth.

6. ASAR-ALIM can be explained with the following Turkish expressions:

a) "AS ER ALIM" meaning "I am Peerless Man-Red" referring to the red
Sun, Turkish word AL means "red", such as the color of "blood" and the
color of Turkish "flag".

b) "AS ER ALEM" meaning "Peerless Man of Universe" referring to the
ancient Turanian universal creator Sky-Father-God (Gök Tanri) TUR.

c) "AS ER ILIM" meaning in one sense "I am Peerless Man of my
Country" (i.e., I am the King of my country), and in another sense "I
am Peerless Man of Knowledge".

We must note here that there is nothing inferior about these ancient
Turanian Gods whom the writer of the above EB excerpt referred to as
inferior deity of the water cult of ERIDU. Water is a "god" without
which life, as we know of, could not emerge.

7. Sun-god name NINURTA, when rearranged letter-by-letter as "ATIN
NUR", is the Turkish expression "ADIN NUR" (ADIN NUR) meaning "your
name is light" which is again the ancient Turanian Sun-God TUR.

8. "AMAR-UDU, AMAR-UTU meaning "young bull, the sun". This was
explained above as being from Turkish expression "EMER UT U" (AMAR UT
O) meaning "It is suckling cattle" or "It is young cattle" referring
to young bull or a calf. Turkish "EMER" (AMAR) means "He who
suckles". In addition to this meaning of the expression, it is also
from Turkish expression "MA AR UD U" (MA ER OD O) meaning "it is
Magnificent Man Fire" which refers to the ancient Turanian Sun-God UTU
(UDU, OD O). Thus, this also makes the name "AMAR-UDU" or "AMAR-UTU"
associated with the "Young Bull Sun".

AMAR UTU (UDU) additionally contains the Turkish expression "MA AR
O'DU" ("MA ER IDI" or "MA ER O'DUR") meaning "He is Magnificent Man"
and/or "Magnificent Man is TUR" referring to the Sky-Father-God as the
universal Father God, and also the Tur/Turk peoples.

But The Turkish word "Ma" also has the meaning of "Moon". In Turkish
OGUZ KAGAN epic, OGUZ KAGAN says to the Moon: [8]

Line 245: "AY, sen munda beglere bolgil baslik"
Line 246: "MA m(e)nglep senge AD bolsun kagarlik"


Line 245: "Moon", you stay here as head of lords"
Line 246; "Let MA be your kingship name."

Thus the Moon, which is AY in Turkish, is assigned a new name MA by
OGUZ Kagan. This is supported by the fact that in Turkish and
Persian, MAH means MOON. Knowing this, we can show that "AMAR-UTU"
also contains the Turkish expression "MA AR O'DU" (MA ER IDI or MA ER
O DUR) meaning "He is the Moon Man" and/or "Moon Man is TUR" referring
to the Moon-God (Turkish AY-Tanri).

These last three explanations describe AMAR-UTU (UD) as the ancient
Turanian trinity Sky-God concept. Evidently this ancient Tur/Turk
religious Sky-God concept was abducted, altered and transferred to the
false name of MARDUK, without any reference to TUR and thereafter
claimed as Semitic. This will be shown to be the case below.

9. MARDUK is also known by the following names as given in the above
However we will show that these names which aare similar to each other
are names that have been anagrammatized from Turkish religious

For example the name MARUTUKKU has embedded in it the following
Turkish expressions:

a) "UTU MA AR KUK" ("UTU MA ER GÖK") meaning "He is the Magnificent
Man Sky" describing the ancient Turanian creator Sky-God, i.e., (GÖK
ATA Tanri);

b) "MA ATA AR KUK" ("MA ATA ER GÖK") meaning "Magnificent Father Man
Sky" describing the ancient Turanian creator Sky-God, i.e., (GÖK ATA Tanri)

c) "MA UTU AR KUK" ("MA UTU ER GÖK") meaning "Magnificent Sun Man Sky"
describing the ancient Turanian Sun-God, i.e., (Gün-Tanri)''

d) "UTU MA AR KUK" ("OTU MA ER GÖK") meaning "He is Moon Man Sky"
describing the ancient Turanian Moon-God, i.e., (AY TANRI)

Thus the name MARUTUKKU is the name for the personification of the
ancient Turanian trinity Sky-God concept. These Turkish renditions
are also true for other forms of the name MARDUK, that is, MARUDUKKU,
MA-RUTU[UK-KU], MARUDUK, and MARDUKU. With this kind of Turkish
appellations behind the name MARDUK, it is no wonder that they
regarded him as the chief God of Semitics. Additionally we have the
following meanings also embedded in the name.

e) MARUTUKKU, when rearranged letter-by-letter as "MAR-U-UT-KUK", is
an anagram of Turkish expression "AMAR U UT GÖK" (EMER O OKUZ GÖK)
meaning "Young is that sky bull " (That sky bull is young). This is
the name associated with MARDUK the "young bull".

f) MARUTUKKU, when rearranged letter-by-letter as "AKU-TURKUM", is
the Turkish expression "AKA TURKUM" (Aga Türküm) meaning "I am Lord
Turk" and/or "I am White Turk" (i.e., White HUNS) .

g) "U-MA-KUK-TUR" ("O MA GÖK-TUR", ("O MA GÖK-TURK")) meaning "He is
Magnificent Sky-TUR"; "He is Magnificent Sky-TURK"; "He is magnificent
Blue-Tur (Blue Turk)"; "he is magnificent Moon of Sky" and many more
which are all descriptions related to the Tur/Turk peoples and their
ancient Sky-God concept.

h) When the "MAR" in MARUTUKKU is replaced with "TUR", in accordance
with the footnote of C. J. GADD, we get the name "TURUTUKKU". This
name is related to Tur/Turk peoples in many ways. It can be shown to
be the following Turkish expressions:

"TUR UTU KUK" (TUR UTU GÖK) meaning "TUR Sun-God Sky";
or "TURTU-U-KUK" (TURDU O GÖK) meaning "That Sky-was TUR";
or "KUKTU-U-TUR"(GÖKDÜ O TUR) meaning "That Tur was Sky";
or "KUK-TURTU-U" (GÖK TURDU O) meaning "He was Blue-Tur";
or "KUT-U-TURK (KUT O TURK) meaning "Sacred is that TURK";
or "TURUKKUTU" meaning "he is TURUKKU";
or "UTU TURUKKU" meaning "SUN TURKS" or "Sun-God Turks". This is like
the name "OTOMAN TURKS"; and many more.

The name TURUKKU was the name of the ancient Tur/Turk peoples living
in Mesopotamia and along the ZAGROS mountains. Even at present the
KASHGAY Turks live on the Zagros mountains. The region called
"KUZISTAN" (OGUZISTAN) was located along those mountains since ancient times.

Note 1: Even ZAGROS has embedded in it the following Turkish
expressions: 1) "ASER OGUZ meaning "PEERLESS OGUZ", and 2) "ASER GOZ"
meaning "PEERLESS EYE", and 3) "ASER KOZ" meaning "PEERLESS FIRE".

Note 2: In ancient Turkish religious understanding, mountains were
held sacred (e.g., "Tanri Daglari" of Central Asia are named after
God, and so are the ZAGROS Mountains). Mountains are natural pyramids
and cones and that is why ancient Tur/Turk peoples built pyramids and
kurgans to honor their Sky God and their ancestors. The three
pyramids at Giza, Egypt were built to honor the Sky Father God, the
Sun God and the Moon God in addition to the Masarian ancestor kings.
The native peoples of North, Central and South Americas did the same thing.

TURUKKUS were the ancient Hurrians, Mitannians, Kasites, Urartus, and
many other Tur/Turk peoples who lived in so-called Mesopotamia,
Eastern Anatolia, Turia (so-called present Syria), Asia Minor, Iran
and Eastern Mediterranean coasts and ofcourse the ancient Masar/Misir

10. The Greek names for MARDUK are also given as: MARADOUCHOS,
really an I and C is K, when rearranged letter-by-letter as
"MORDH-AA-OCUS", is the Turkish expression "MORDI AGA OKUS" ("Mor idi
Aga OGUZ") meaning "Lord OGUZ was purple" referring to the ancient
Turanian Sky-God OGUZ.

The term OKUS is another Turkish name for "cattle" or "bull". OKUZ
(i.e., BULL) was the icon of OGUZ - the Sky God. The meaning of this
is that OGUZ, TUR and UTU are all interchangeable names for the
ancient Turanian Sky God. The Turkish expression "AGA OKUS" is the
"Lord Bull". Thus this expression "MORDI AGA OKUS" also means "Purple
was the Lord Bull". Hence the false name MARDUK was a personification
of a "Purple BULL" (OKUZ or TUR). Thus even with the Greek version
of MARDUK (i.e., MARADOUCHOS), we are finding an anagram of a Turkish
expression. We have very similar meanings from the other Greek words
meaning MARDUK. Hence Akkadian and other so-called Semitic expressions
are all made up from Turkish by way of anagrammatizing Turkish (i.e.,
break up the original Turkish text, restructure and embellish it to
disguise its Turkishness, and then claim the product as Greek or
Semitic or as your own).

The time frame for all of these are put at 2800 B.C. Actually Turkish
is far far older than this date.

Even the so-called Semitic name SARGON is an anagram of the Turkish
expression "AS AR GON" (AS ER GÜN) meaning "Sun is Peerless Man".
Thus this king has also deified himself by entitling himself "Peerless
Man Sun" in Turkish.

Thus by reading certain Sumerian sign as MAR instead of the actual
TUR, not only was the word TUR suppressed, but all of its personified
concepts of the ancient Turanian Sky-GOD OGUZ, TUR, SUN, MOON and BULL
were usurped and attributed to the newly fashioned name MARDUK.
Clearly, the magnificent Sky-God religion of the ancient Turanian
Tur/Turk peoples and their mythologies, stories and characters, etc.,
associated with it were all seized and looted by the Akkadians and
other Semitics. Evidently, this is how the ancient Tur/Turk people
were, namewise, obliterated out of the picture. That is why the name
Tur/Turk does not appear in the same time frame as the Sumerians - who
are conveniently labelled as "extinct" people. Yet as I have
demonstrated before, the Sumerians are alive and well as Turks.

The name MARDUK was a Babylonian God adopted from Sumerian althouh its
name was newly invented. However if the particle "MAR" in MARDUK is
changed with TUR, we get the name TURDUK meaning "We are TUR" in
Turkish, referring to the name of the chief sky deity.

Also embedded into the name TURDUK is the Turkish expression "TURKDU"
meaning "It was Turk" which also relates itself to the name Tur/Turk.

Regarding the name MARDUK, we have the following excerpts from various sources:

"Marduk took on many of the caharacteristics of ENLIL, and became the
chief god of the Babylonian pantheon. The worship of Marduk became
the official cult during King HAMMURABI's reign. He was often called
BEL-MARDUK in this later period." [9]

Even the name HAMMURABI, when rearranged letter-by-letter as "AHAM MUR
BI" is an anagram of Turkish expression "AGAM MOR BEY" meaning "My
lord is Purple Lord" indicating that he was a Sun-God believer.
Additionally, when the name HAMMURABI is rearranged letter-by-letter
as "BIR-AHA-MUM" is an anagram of the Turkish expression "BIR AGA MUM"
meaning "One Lord Candle" (One giant candle), thus, referring to
himself as the Sun that enlightens everything. Hence, he elavates
himself to the level of Sun deity.

Calling Hammurabi by the name BEL-MARDUK also equates him as the
Wind-God or ENLIL where BEL stands for Turkish "aBa yEL" (aPa-yEL)
meaning "Father Wind" and ENLIL" stands for Turkish "HAN-YIL" meaning
"Lord Wind".

It is said that HAMMURABI was an AMORITE indicating that he was not a
"Semite" as "scholars" led us to believe. The name AMORITE, when
rearranged letter-by-letter as "O-MAR-ITE", where "MAR" is a
replacement for "TUR" is the Turkish expression "O MAR IDI" (O TUR
IDI) meaning "He was a TUR" (He was a TUR man), that is, not a Semitic
as has been claimed. Of course the name is also Turkish "OMAR IDI"
(ÖMER IDI) which is a name that other famed historical personalities
such as HOMER and Caliph OMAR also used in addition to many others.

The following excerpts from Zecharia Sitchin are important.

"The usurpation of Enlilship was accompanied by an extensive
Babylonian effort to forge the ancient texts. The most important
texts were rewritten and altered so as to make Marduk appear as the
Lord of Heavens, the Creator, the Benefactor, the Hero, instead of Anu
or Enlil or even Ninurta. Among the texts altered was the"Tale of
Zu"; and according to the Babylonian version, it was Marduk (not
Ninurta) who fought Zu." [10]

"The gods then proclaimed Marduk the supreme deity, and bestowed on
him the "fifty names" -the prerogatives and numerical rank of the
Enlilship". [11]

"There is enough evidence to show that the Babylonian version of the
epic was a masterful religious-political forgery of earlier Sumerian
versions, in which Anu, Enlil, and Ninurta were the heroes." [12]

Similarly, Joan Oates writes:

"ENLIL (ELLIL), "Lord Wind", tutelary deity of Nippur, was ANU's son.
Like his father he came to be known as "Father" or "King" of the gods
and was the first to replace ANU in the mythology. His role as
national god of Sumer and bestower of kingship has already been
discussed in earlier chapters." [13]

"In late Baylonian times the title BEL, "Lord" became snonymous with
Marduk, who like Ishtar assimilated to himself various aspects of
other Gods." [14]

John L. Hayes writes: [15]

"Proper names. In the bilingual texts from Ebla, the equivalent of
EN-Lil is given as: I-LI-LU. This seems to agree with later Akkadian
pronounciation of the name, which also show an assimilation of
"/Enlil/ > /ILLIL/; some Sumerologists, in fact, transliterate the
two signs EN-lil together as ELLIL. (It has also been speculated that
the interpretation of the name as "Lord Wind" is a Sumerian
folk-etymology, and that the word is of pre-Sumerian etymology.)"

The term "I-LI-LU" is a distorted and disguised form of the Turkish
expression "YILLU" meaning "with wind" or "it is windy". In the
anagram of "I-LI-LU" the first "I" repalces the Turkish "Y" in YILLU"
and the second "I" is misplaced after the first L. So even this Eblaic
word is made up from a pure Turkish expression. The name "EN-LIL",
that is in Turkish "HAN-YIL" (Yel-HAn) meaning "Lord Wind" is
actually a restructured word.

Readers are urged to read Polat_Kaya Library messages on "Tower of

Thus since MARDUK replaced the name TUR or TURDUK, one does not have
much chance of finding the TUR/TURK name concurrent with Sumerian.
Instead we are finding MARDUK all over the place. If TUR or TURDUK
was not replaced by MARDUK, we would now be finding TUR all over the
place. This is why Zecharia Sitchin said so clearly: "There is enough
evidence to show that the Babylonian version of the epic was a
masterful religious-political forgery of earlier Sumerian versions, in
which Anu, Enlil, and Ninurta were the heroes."

All of these references and the footnote by C. J. Gadd point to MARDUK
as an artificially generated name designed as a replacement for the
Turkish name TUR or TURDUK. It is like replacing one person's name,
say ABC, with another name, say XYZ, and thus completely erasing ABC
from the records. Clearly this has taken place by this fraudulent
changeover. On the other hand, the one line footnote by C. J. Gadd
puts the name TUR and/or TURKDU (TÜRDÜK, TURDUK) back in the
time-frame with the Sumerians that Mr. K. Loganathan is looking for.
But this is not the only evidence. The whole Sumerian language is a
testimony that Sumerians were Tur/Turk peoples and that their language
was Turkish only. Their language as was spoken in their land in
so-called "Mesopotamia" has been so badly molested that it is not easy
to par it immediately with Turkish.

Rhoda A Hendricks writes the following:

"Marduk's consort was ZARPANIT, and he was the father of NABU. He was
often depicted holding a scimitar."[16]

This name ZARPANIT, when rearranged letter-by-letter as "TANRI-AZ-P",
is an anagram of Turkish expression "TANRI-AZ-APA" meaning "God
Peerless Father". Indeed the creator Sky-Father-God of Turanian
Tur/Turks was always a consort to the Sun-God UTU (TUR), because the
Sun was regarded as the "working right fire-eye" of the
Sky-Father-God. They were inseparable then and they still are today.

Additionally the anagram name ZARPANIT, that is, properly Turkish
"TANRI AZ APA", was of course the father of NABU which is from Turkish
word NEBI meaning "a prophet, heavenly messenger". [17]

Another word for NEBI in Turkish is the word "PEYKAMBER" meaning
"prophet". The name PEYKAMBER when separated as "PEY KAM BER" or
"BEY KAM BIR" ("BIR KAM BEY") means "One shaman Lord". Shamans and
Shamanism are from ancient Tur/Turk cultures of Central Asia (Turan).
The name also refers to the waxing and waning "Moon". Turkish-Persian
KAMER meaning "MOON" is derived from Turkish "KAM ER" meaning "Shaman
man". Indeed Moon (Turkish AY) is a celestial object regarded since
ancient times as a celestial deity (Turkish AY Tanri) which always
changed its shape like a magician as if it wants to bring some
celestial message. Hence, in the religious sense, both words NEBI and
PEYKAMBER refer to the Moon-God.

Mythologically it is said that NABU (NEBI) was often depicted holding
a scimitar." This is also most revealing.

SCIMITAR is defined as: "A saber having a curved blade with the edge
on the convex side, used chiefly by Moslems" [18] - which also
includes the Turks. Thus, the mythological expression saying that
"NABU was often shown holding a SCIMITAR" is a riddled reference to
nothing but the "CRESCENT MOON" which is always attached to the moon
and is metaphorically like a SCIMITAR (a curved blade). Thus even the
source for this riddle story is Turkish based.

It should be noted that SCIMITAR, when rearranged as "CISMITAR", is a
distortion of Turkish expression "KESMETIR" meaning "it is cutting" or
"it is a blade". Additionally, SCIMITAR, when rearranged
letter-by-letter as "ISMI-TARC", is the restructured and disguised
Turkish expression "ISMI TURK" meaning "its name is TURK". The
Crescent Moon is one of the insignia of Turks and as an icon
embellishes the flags of many Tur/Turk peoples.

It should be noted that the Arabic/Turkic name "ZULFIKAR" (Zülfikar,
Zulfakar) is the name of the famed sword (scimitar) of Calif ALI. In
popular representations, it has two blades and two points. [19] With
this knowledge, we can now revisit the name SCIMITAR. We find embedded
in SCIMITAR, when is rearranged as "MA-CISITR", the Turkish
expression "MA KESITIR" meaning "It is Magnificent Cut" referring to
the crescent moon which looks like it was cut out of the Moon. We
also know from the Oguz Kagan epic that MA is a name for the Moon,
therefore, Turkish "MA KESI TUR, that is, the cressent moon, means
"It is cut moon".

In the ancient Turanian Sky-God TUR (OGUZ) religion, the Moon was
regarded as the "left blind eye" of the creator Sky-Father-God since
it had no light of its own. Ancient Tur/Turk peoples immortalized
these concepts in Turkish forever.

In view of all this, it is clear that some people had their hands in
the Turkish/Sumerian cooky-jar without others noticing it - especially
the Turks themselves. Those who knew about it not only stayed mum but
also collaborated with the usurper in this obliteration of the ancient
Turanian civilization.

In this paper, I have provided the needed time-frame that places the
Tur/Turk peoples with the Sumerians, and even earlier.

In the following parts of this essay, we will bring in additional
information that will further identify Turks and Sumerians as one and
the same people.


[1] Samuel Noah Kramer, "The Sumerians", The University of Chicago
Press, Chicago and London, 1963, p. 306, under "The Sumerian Language".
[2] C. J. GADD, "A Sumerian Reading-Book", an Assistant in the
Department of Egyptian and Assyrian Antquities, the British
Museum, Oxford at Clarendon Press, 1924, p. 49.
[3] Huseyin Namik ORKON, "Eski Türk Yazitlari", Türk Dil Kurumu
Yayinlari: 529, Ankara, 1987, p. 877.
[4] John L. Hayes, "A Manual Of Sumerian Grammar and Texts",
Undena Publications, Malibu, 1990, p. 229.
[5] Encyclopaedia Britanniaca, 1963, vol. 14, p. 872.
[6] Sir E. A. Wallis Budge, "An Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary",
Dover Publications, Inc, New York", p. cxxxiii, item 5, 6 under
"Sacred vessels and furniture".
[7] Samuel A. B. Mercer, "The Handbook of Egyptian Hieroglyphs",
Hippocrene Books, Inc, New York, 1998, p. 191.
[8] Resit Rahmeti ARAT, "MAKALELER CILT I", Collected by Osman Fikri
Sertkaya, Türk Kültürünü Arastirma Enstitüsü Yayinlari: 65,
Seri IV - Sayi: A.20, Ankara, 1987, p. 627.
[9] Rhoda A. Hendricks, "Mythologies of the World A Concise
Encyclopedia", McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1973, p. 119.
[10] Zecharia Sitchin, "The 12th Planet", Avon Books, New York, 1978, p. 110.
[11] Zecharia Sitchin, "The 12th Planet", Avon Books, New York, 1978, p. 211.
[12] Zecharia Sitchin, "The 12th Planet", Avon Books, New York, 1978, p. 211.
[13] Joan Oates, "BABYLON", Thames and Hudson Ltd, London, 1979, p. 172.
[14] Joan Oates, "BABYLON", Thames and Hudson Ltd, London, 1979, p. 172.
[15] John L. Hayes, "A Manual Of Sumerian Grammar and Texts", Undena
Publications, Malibu, 1990, p. 77.
[16] Rhoda A. Hendricks, "Mythologies of the World A Concise
Encyclopedia", McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1973, p. 119.
[17] Redhouse Turkish - English Dictionary, Redhouse Yayinevi, Istanbul,1987.p. 873.
[18] Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Fifth Edition, 1947, p. 890.
[19] Redhouse Turkish - English Dictionary, Redhouse Yayinevi, Istanbul,1987.p. 1290.

Best wishes to all,

Polat Kaya


=== End of Part-1; to be continued in Part-2 ===
(Copyright © 2004 Polat Kaya)

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