Dear Friends,

I wish to share with you the following article which tries to explain
the meaning of a term called "Turkish Era" or "Tarih-i Türk". Please
let us know if you have any other information about it.




The Redhouse Turkish-English Dictionary [1] provides us with a very
interesting definition. The entry is called "TARIH-I TÜRK" and is
defined as:


This entry in this dictionary is one of the most interesting entries
regarding the past history of Turks. One cannot help but ask:

If Turks were not ancient people (as is commonly and wrongly
portrayed), then how come such a historical concept is attributed to
the Turks? If Turks did not have a history in excess of 10,000 years,
how would Turks develop such a systematic division of ancient history
into segments of 10,000 years each? Furthermore, they have divided the
age of the earth into 300,000 ages. How were they able to estimate
the TOTAL DURATION OF THE EARTH BEING 300,000 AGES? What is the source
of this entry in this dictionary? If the source is Turkish, why then
don't Turkish historians mention it to the Turkish people? Why is
information as obviously important as this never mentioned?

This understanding of the earth is very significant and compares
strongly with the scientifically determined age of the earth (about
4.5 billion years). Biblical sources claimed the world as being about
5000 years old which was totally irrational, yet this Tarih-i Turk
puts the age of the world to about three billion years (300,000 ages X
10,000 years per age). This kind of correspondence cannot be due to
coincidence. Nor would somebody else be so accomodating to the Turks
as to favor them with such a rational understanding of the age of the
earth if it wasn't actually a Turkic cultural understanding to begin
with. Something seems amiss here.

The figure of 300,000 also happens to be the speed of light in
kilometers per second. Is this a coincidence? How did Turks come up
with this figure of 300, 000 Ages for the Earth's age? Ancient
Turs/Turks were Sun-worshipping people who observed changes in the Sun
and also the heavens, and used their gathered knowledge for
divination. They even claimed ancestry from the Sky (e.g., Gök
Turks). With this background and their intense scrutiny of the
heavens, did they somehow also determine the speed of light?

The figure of 10,000 as the duration of an ERA is also very
significant. First of all, the number 10,000 is called "TUMEN" in
Turkish. It is also the name of a Turkish military "division"
originally 10,000 men strong. It also means "great number, great heap"
in Turkish. [2] Embedded in the name TUMEN is also the name of UTUMEN
(OTOMAN) indicating that Turks were SUN-GOD believing people. UTU was
the name of the SUN-GOD in Sumerian and UT-U/OT-O/OD-O in Turkish
meaning "it is fire". In this regard, both the Sumerians and Turks
were UTUMAN. Furthermore the recent epoch of the Quaternary period,
characterized by the development of man, is said to have started
10,000 years ago. [3] Is this another coincidence?

Is the world hiding something very important regarding the ancientness
of Turkish civilization and history from the Turks? If so why have
"world scholars" denied the ancient Turkish civilization? And if so,
who pressured them to deny the ancientness of Tur/Turk peoples to
Turks and the world public?

The term "TURKISH ERA" (TÜRK DEVRI) is used in the definition of
"Tarih-i Türk". This implies a "Turkish period" in human history in
which the influence of Turks must have been dominant all over the
world. This is possible only if the ancient Turkish Sky-God
(Gök-Ata-Tanri, Gün-Tanri, Ay-Tanri) OGUZ religion (TUR religion) was
the dominant civilization and Turkish was the dominant language of the
ancient world. The very fact that the Indo-European and Semitic
languages were artificially manufactured from Turkish is evidence of
that Turkish Era (Tarih-i Turk/Türk Devri). Evidently, this time
period (i.e., Turkish Era) was in excess of 10,000 years. Probably,
that is why the term Tarih-i Türk was coined to indicate that era. The
dictionary also mentions the Christian Era and Muhammedan Era [4].
The Turkish Era must be the one before these eras. This is extremely
significant and needs to be investigated. This is what I have been
saying in all of my writings.

It can be said that human history up to the formulation of
Judeo-Christianity was the TURKISH ERA. Even after the start of Judeo
Christianity, Tur/Turk peoples continued with many long lasting
empires until the collapse of the Ottoman (UTUMAN) empire.
Judeo-Christianity was conjured up in order to wipe away the ancient
Turkish civilization and Turkish language. It is curious to note that
on the inside cover page of The Holy Scriptures (1984 issues),
published by New World Bible Translation Commitee, there is a citing
from ISAIAH 65:17 saying that: "For here I am creating new heavens and
new earth; and the former things will not be called to mind, neither
will they come up into the heart." Evidently this religious command
forces the peoples newly converted to Judeo-Christianity to forget the
ancient Turkish Era and the Turkish civilization in that era

It seems that events taking place in the present day Middle East are
still aimed at wiping away the remnants of that ancient Turkish ERA.
It looks like the Turkish peoples all over Asia are the eventual
target for obliteration. Particularly, joining the EU can lead Turks
into a dead-end from which they may not have another chance to return.
The Turks may be decimated into smaller groups and the broken groups
alienated from each other and then used against each other. Divided
groups are readly assimilated with the change of their language,
religion, culture and Turkic identity. This should be prevented. This
has been done in the past and still can be done again as is the case
of the so-called Kurds who are unquestionably Turkish peoples.
Claiming that the Kurds are Indo-European people and that their
language is Indo-European are totally bogus claims. The so-called
Indo-European words in their language are actually anagrams of Turkish
words and phrases secretly prepared by an army of missionaries.

It should also be noted that the gradually failing Judeo-Christianity
is inching its way back to the ancient Turkish Sky-God (Gök-Tanri) and
Sun-worshipping religion. However, this time, instead of being
remembered as the ancient OGUZ or TUR religion, it will have a
different western stamp on it. Thus after two thousand years of
attacks and belittlements, the ancient Turanian civilization, would
change hands completely from the Tur/Turk owners to those who rejected
it in the first place. Turks should be observant, alert and guarded in
claiming and protecting the legacy of their ancestors. Only this way
they can survive in an alienated world.

The following Turkish entries and definitions are also given in the
Redhouse Turkish - English dictionary.[5] The source for them is
indicated to be Arabic.

TÜRK: 1. Turk; the Turks; Turkish. 2. Learned. Beautiful boy or
girl, the beloved.

TÜRK AKSAGI: in music a fast rhytmic pattern of five beats (same as süreyya).

TÜRKAN: The Turks. [PK Note: -AN suffix is the ancient plurality
suffix of Turkish. It is also observed in the Turkish word "EREN"
(="ERLER") meaning "men"]

TÜRK-I ASHKAR: "planet Mars".

TÜRK-I ÇARH: 1. "Planet Mars". 2. "The sun".

TÜRK-I ÇESM: "a beautiful, predatory eye".

TÜRK-I ÇIN: "the sun".

TÜRK-I FELEK 1. "The sun". 2. "Mars".

TÜRK-I MUARBID: planet Mars.

TÜRK-I NIMRUZ: the sun.

TÜRK-I PENCÜMIN: the planet Mars

TÜRK-I SULTAN SHÜKUH: the world illuminating sun.

TÜRKAN-I ÇARH: the seven planets. [PK Note: Why are the seven planets
named after "TURKS" as indicated by the term "TÜRKAN-I ÇARH"?]

In these entries, not only is the Sun associated with the name Turk
but also the planet Mars and even the seven planets. It is known that
ancient Turks were Sun and Moon worshippers who most likely started
the ancient Sun-Moon based Oguz religion and in that respect, it is
rational to associate the Sun with the name Tur/Turk. The name
OTTOMAN (UTUMAN) is a testimony to that effect. But why is Mars so
frequently associated with the name Turk? Who coined these terms in
the first place? This is an indication that ancient Tur/Turk peoples
had a lot to do in the naming of celestial objects.

One of the above entries defines TÜRK-I ÇIN as "the sun". It is
interesting to note here that the Turkish word for "China" is also
"ÇIN". The Chinese say that the name of their country means "center
of the universe". The Sun is also the center of our solar system -
which happens to be our immediate universe. In this regard, the
Turkish word "ÇIN" for CHINA is related to the Turkish word "ÇIN",
"KIN", "KUN", "GUN" meaning "SUN". It is also interesting to note that
in the ancient MAYA language of Central America, the Sun was also
called "KIN". Furthermore, in ancient MAYA civilization, the sky
observatory was called "KARAKOL" which is also a Turkish word
meaning "a place of observation" such as night observation or police
observation stations and military outpost. None of these are due to
coincidences. Rather, they are due to the spread of ancient Turanian
sky worshipping TUR/TURK peoples who moved all over the world,
created and developed civilizations, and named most everything
after their Sky-God religion.

In the above entries there are terms that relate the name Mars with
the name TURK. Why is this? In a recent communication, Kamil Kartal
informed me that he heard in a TV newscast stating that NASA gave the
name ANATOLIA to an area on planet MARS. Since the name MARS is so
closely associated with the name TURK, would it not be proper to name
an area on MARS with the name TURK?

It seems that the name of the planet MARS and the mythological name
MARS for "god of war" had some close linguistic relations with each
other and with the Turkish language. Let us examine the ancient
mythology related to this name.

Rhoda A. Hendricks and Max S. Shapiro write about the Roman god MARS
as follows: "MARS or MAVORS, the god of war and of country life. As
guardian of the state, he was the avenger who punished the foes of
ROME. MARS was the father of ROMULUS and REMUS by RHEA SILVIA. His
name meant "bright" or "shining", and MARCH, the first month of the
Roman calender, was named for him. DISCORDIA preceded his chariot and
the wolf, horse and raven were sacred to him. Mars was the roman
counterpart of the Greek ARES." [6]

MARS being the guardian of state makes him a personification of
soldier (warrior). Young men from the country life have always been
the core of state military systems. MARS being the father of ROMULUS
and REMUS is also interesting because from another source we have the
following account:

Encyclopaedia Britannica [7] gives the following background
information regarding the legend of ROMULUS and REMUS:

"ROMULUS together with REMUS, the legendary founder of Rome.
Traditionally they were the sons of RHEA SILVIA (Ilia), daughter of
NUMITOR, the king of ALBA LONGA. Numitor had been deposed by his
younger brother AMULIS and his daughter made a VESTAL VIRGIN to
prevent offspring contenders. When Rhea gave birth to twins, claiming
MARS as their father, Amulis ordered them thrown into the TIBER. The
trough in which they were placed came to ground at the site of the
future Rome near the FICUS RUMINALIS, a sacreed fig tree of historical
times. There a she-wolf and a wood-pecker (both sacred to Mars (cf
PICUS), suckled and fed them. Later they were found and brought up by
the hersdman FAUSTULUS and his wife ACCA LARENTIA. They became leaders
of a band of adventurous youths and eventually, recognized as the
grandsons of NUMITOR, they killed AMULIUS and restored their
grandfather to the throne. Later they founded the city of Rome.
Romulus surrounded the city with a wall, but Remus in contempt jumped
over it and Romulus slew him with the words "thus perish any other who
leaps over my walls." Thus Romulus ruled supreme and the city was
named for him. Romulus added to the population of the new city by
offering asylum to fugitives and exiles. Because of the shortage of
women, he invited the neighbouring SABINES to a festival and carried
off their women. The intermarriage of Roman and Sabine was followed,
after some hostility, with a political union under Romulus and TITUS
TATINUS, king of the Sabines. Titus Tatinus' early death left Romulus
in complete control. After a long rule he one day mysteriously
disappeared in a storm. He was believed to have been changed into a
god and was worshipped as QUIRINUS (q.v) by the Roman people.

This legend, probably originating in the 4th century B.C. and set down
in coherent form by the early annalists at the end of the 3rd century
B.C., is of course artificial and shows a strong Greek influence.
Rationalization of various aspects of the story have been made in both
ancient and modern times. The theme of exposed children is a familier
one in Greek legend and literature. The name Romulus (and perhaps also
Remus) is derived from Rome and is consonant with the Greek practice
of seeking of an eponymous hero who of course is inevitably deified."

Although I will not analyze in this paper the complete above cited
story about the Romulus and Remus, I would like to bring to the
attention of the readers that ROMULUS and REMUS have a lot to do with
the ancient Turkish culture. First of all this citing tells us that
the name of the grandfather of these two children, nursed by a she
wolf, was NUMITOR. This is very significant because the name NUMITOR,
when decrypted letter-by-letter as "NOMI TUR", is an anagram of the
Turkish expression "NAMI TUR" meaning "His name is TUR". NAM is
Turkish and means "NAME". Thus the English term NAME is an anagram of
this ancient Turkish word NAMI which is the genitive form of NAM in
Turkish meaning "his name". Thus the name NUMITOR (NAMI TUR) makes
the TUR/TURK peoples as the grandfather of ROMULUS and REMUS. Of
course another name of the Turanian Sky-God was TUR. Thus from both
aspects, the story is Turanian and Turkic. Additionally, the story was
Etruscan, another Tur/Turk people, and Etruscans were the ones that
founded the city of ROME for the name "ER MA" the ancient Turanian
Sky-God. The Latins took it from Etruscans about a hundred years
after its foundation. Thus in every aspect, the story is Turanian
contrary to any Indo-European claim.

Additionally, the writer of the above EB citing points out that the
ancient Greeks had considerable interference with this legendary
story. It must be noted that the name ROMULUS is nothing but the
Turkish name "RUM ULUS" meaning "Greek nation". Similarly, the name
REMUS , when read backwards, is the name "SUMER" who were the most
ancient Tur people who created the most ancient Tur/Turk civilization
in the so-called Mesopotamia. Thus this ancient Turanian legend has
been usurped by Greeks in their own favour as they have also usurped
other legends and stories from ancient Tur peoples, reworking them and
claiming them as Greek mythologies. Now everyone thinks that these
are all Greek in origin yet they are not.

Returning back to the name MARS or MAVORS. The name MAVORS (MARS),
when decrypted letter-by-letter as "MA OVS R", is an anagram of
Turkish expression "MA OGUZ ER" meaning "Magnificient OGUZ ER (RE/RA)"
which is a description of the Turanian Sky-God OGUZ (O GÖZ), i.e., the
SUN. Indeed, Sun was God, is God, bright and shining which fits the
above given mythological definition. Similarly, the planet Mars is
also bright and shiny.

Additionally, "MA OGUZ ER" (Oguz Eri, Oguz askeri) meaning
"magnificent OGUZ/TUR warriors" is a description of the Tur/Turk
soldiers. "Wolf" (Turkish "Bozkurt" or "Gök Yeleli Gök Böri, bak
OGUZ-KAGAN destani) and the "horse" were sacred for the OGUZ soldiers
- but not the raven. "Raven" is a black bird and hence it was not a
well favoured bird of "White Lord OGUZ Man" ("AK HAN OGUZ ER"). The
Birds of prey, such as the "Eagle", "PARAGON", HAWK and others such as
the HOR (KOR), i.e the Horus of ancient MASAR were the favoured birds
of Oguz people (see Turkish: KARTAL, SUNGUR, TAVSANCIL, SHAHIN, UC
KUS, ÇAKIR [8]) Romans, after they changed from their so-called
Tur/Turk "Pagan" religion, they believed in the "black color" (KARA
HAN) and therefore, the "black raven" became a much better suited bird
for their newly adopted religious understanding.

The Greek version of MARS is given as ARES or AREWS. [9] The name
ARES, when decrypted as "AS ER", is the anagram of Turkish expression
"AS ER" (Essiz ER) meaning "Peerless Man" which in one sense decribes
the ancient Turanian "Sky-God OGUZ (O GÖZ), i.e., the Sun which was
God and is God, bright and shining, and in another, its Turkish
meanings are "kahraman ER, yigit, levend, yavuz er) meaning "Hero,
fearless young man", and "er, asker" meaning "soldier, fighter", and
"er, avradin kocasi" meaning "man or husband of Aphrodite". The
so-called Greek name APHRODITE is in fact an anagram of Turkish
expression "AVRAD IDI" meaning "she was the wife, woman or sweetheart"
as Aphrodite was.

The Greek name AREWS, when decrypted as "ERAWS", is an anagram of
Turkish expression "ER OGUZ" meaning "Oguz man, Oguz soldier, Oguz
hero" which again identifies AREWS (ARES or MARS) with the
OGUZ/TUR/TURK peoples.

In Greek mythology, ARES is the personification of "fighting man". The
following is said about him: [10]

"Because of his love of violence and his fondness for bloodshed and
battle, Ares was disliked by mortals and hated even by his parents.
Ares was accompanied in battle by his sister ERIS (Strife) and by his
sons, DEIMOS (Fright) and PHOBOS (Fear) and also by ENYO, a goddess of
battle. APHRODITE loved ARES and was the mother of EROS and HARMONIA
by him. Ares and Aphrodite were caught up into a net by her angered
husband HEPHAESTUS and held up for the gods to to ridicule. Ares was
twice wounded, once by DIOMEDES in the TROJAN WAR and again by
HERACLES because of the death of CYGNUS. He was associated mainly
with the rugged regions of Thrace [PK note: Thracia = "Türk öyü"], but
the AEROPAGUS, the Hill of Ares, where the court of Athens was held
was also sacred to him. The attributes of Ares were the burning
torch and spear, and the dog and the vulture were associated with him."

Greek name ERIS meaning "strife" and sister of Mars is an anagram of
Turkish "URIS" (vurus), S=Sh, meaning "beating, striking, hitting"
which are all related to war situation.

Similarly the Greek name "DEIMOS" (Fright), sons of ARES, when
deciphered letter-by-letter as "DOISME", is an anagram of Turkish
expression "DÖYÜSME" (Dövüsme), S=Sh, meaning "fighting, beating,
struggling" which are again an aspect of the war god ARES ("AS ER" or
"ER AS"). With fighting also comes fear, horror, terror and fright to
the hearts of fighting men.

So-called mythology says that Ares was disliked by mortals and hated
even by his parents. This is quite natural because, no parent likes
to send their son(s) to war knowing that there is a high probability
they may be killed.

The Greek name of goddess APHRODITE is an anagram of Turkish
expression "AVRAD ITI" (avrad idi, avraddi, esdi, kadindi, karidi) all
meaning "it is woman, wife, sweetheart" which APHRODITE was. Thus
APHRODITE was ARES's ("ER AS", "AS ER") wife or the newly engaged
sweetheart who was in love with the young man destined to go to war
and possibly never come back to her. That was always, as it is at
present, a disaster for a young woman.

AEROPAGUS, the Hill of Ares, when decrypted letter-by-letter as "APA
ER OGUS", is an anagram of Turkish expression "APA ER OGUZ" meaning
"Father Man OGUZ" referring to the ancient Turanian Sky-God who was of
course sacred to Ares and to all other so-called "pagans".
Additionally, the name "APA ER OGUZ" is also the ancestors of OGUZ
peoples who also worshipped their ancestors.

Mythologically DISCORDIA was the Roman goddess of discord or strife,
who preceded the chariot of MARS. She was the Roman counterpart of
so-called Greek ERIS. The term DISCORDIA, when decrypted
letter-by-letter as "ODI CARISD", with C=K and S=Sh, is an anagram of
Turkish expression "ADI KARISDI", meaning "its name is to confuse" or
"its name is state of confusion" (as just before a war). ARES, as god
of battle, is indeed very much related to this Turkish word from which
the term DISCORDIA has been manufactured. Additionally, DISCORDIA
contains the Turkish word "KARSIDI ADI" where S = Sh, meaning "Its
name is: "it is opposition'". Thus this Turkish expression is also
the basis for the Indo-European words "DISCORD" and "DISCORDIA".

From all of these so-called Greek and Roman words and names, we have
been able to identify them as related to warriors, fighting men, and
war states. In each case words are anagrams of Turkish words and
expressions. This indicates that so-called Greek and Latin languages
are all artificially made languages from Turkish. Hence, Turkish was
a much earlier universal language. And the traditions were also
related to Turkish traditions which again verifies that Turkish
civilization was a much earlier civilization antedating all that is
claimed to be Indo-European and Semitic. Thus, in view of all this
background, the association of the name MARS (ARES) and also that of
the SUN with the name TUR/TURK is understandable.

At this point, we may also ask, why do Arabic sources know so much
about the ancient Turks? There seems to be so much Turkish history
embedded in Arabic. This can be understandable because ancient
so-called "EGYPT" was the longest living Tur/Turk state (empire)
although historians have buried that fact into darkness by
intentionally changing its name from MASAR to "EGYPT". As I have
indicated many times in my writings, there seems to be an ancient
history that was "manhandled" by not-so reliable "historians" who have
changed the ancient Turanian world upside down and totally obliterated
it. It also indicates that the real "Arabic" identity needs to be
investicated as they have been mixed up with the ancient Tur/Turk
peoples quite a lot.

The concept defined as TARIH-I TÜRK (= "TÜRK DEVRI") has caused many
questions in my mind, and I expect many more questions from the
readers. It is hoped that the Turkish Historical Society (Türk Tarih
Kurumu), the REDHOUSE dictionary writing organization and other
knowledgable readers will investigate this subject and hopefully
illuminate us regarding these concepts and their source.


[1] Turkish - English Redhouse dicyionary, Istanbul, 1987, p. 1098
[2] Turkish - English Redhouse dicyionary, Istanbul, 1987, p. 1191.
[3] "The Random House Dictionary of the English Language", Random
House, New York, 1967, p. 483.
[4] Redhouse Ingilizce- Türkçe Sözlük (Redhouse English to Turkish
Dictionary), 1980, p.323.
[5] Turkish - English Redhouse dicyionary, Istanbul, p. 1192.
[6] Rhoda A. Hendricks and Max S. Shapiro (Executive Editor),
Mythologies of the World A Concise Encyclopaedia", McGraw-Hill
Book Company, New York, 1981, p. 119.
[7] EB, 1963, Vol. 19, p. 521.
[8] Prof. Dr. Faruk Sümer, "OGUZLAR (TÜRKMENLER), Türk Dünyasi
Arastirmalari Vakfi (TDAV), Istanbul, 1999, p. 230-231.
[9] DIVRY's "Modern English-Greek and Greek-English Desk
Dictionary, p. 188.
[10] Rhoda A. Hendricks and Max S. Shapiro (Executive Editor),
Mythologies of the World A Concise Encyclopaedia", p. 19.

Best wishes to all,

Polat Kaya

(Copyright © 2004 Polat Kaya)
April 12, 2004