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Kimden: Kamil Kartal
Kime: ABD_Turkleri ; Ingiltere_Turkleri ; Kanada_Turkleri ; Meksika_Turkleri ; Arjantin Turkleri ; Brezilya_Turkleri ; Almanya_Turkleri ; Avusturya_Turkleri ; Avustralya_Turkleri ; Italya_Turkleri ; Ispanya_Turkleri ; Belcika_Turkleri ; Cin_Turkleri ; Danimarka_Turkleri ; Finlandiya_Turkleri ; Fransa_Turkleri ; Isvec_Turkleri ; Hindistan_Turkleri ; Hollanda_Turkleri ; Israil_Turkleri ; Isvicre_Turkleri ; Japonya_Turkleri ; Norvec_Turkleri ; Polonya_Turkleri ; Portekiz_Turkleri ; Rusya_Turkleri ; yunanistan_turkleri@... ; turkoloji ; ki-engir@yahoogroups.com ; anagram_philosophy@yahoogroups.com ; Anadolu_Arkeolojisi
Gönderme tarihi: 24 Temmuz 2004 Cumartesi 21:09
Konu: Re: 4 questions for Mr. Kaya please


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Kimden: "Polat Kaya" <tntr@...>
Kime: <historical_linguistics_2@yahoogroups.com>; <bcn_2004@yahoogroups.com>; <Polat_Kaya@yahoogroups.com>
Gönderme tarihi: 23 Temmuz 2004 Cuma 01:04
Konu: [bcn2004] Re: [historical_linguistics_2] 4 questions for Mr. Kaya please

To: David Leonardi and Dear Friends,

David asked:

> such as (head, hair,
face, nose, eye, mouth, tongue, tooth,
> arm, leg, heart, blood,

I spent considerable time investigating the source for these words in Greek and preparing this response. My essay below compares many words in English, Greek, Italian, Latin and Turkish for this purpose. I hope David L. will study the paper carefully as it is not idle chit-chat.  Additionally those who claim to be "linguists" and are working in the field of linguistics for the sake of advancing knowledge and truth about the nature of languages should also take time to study what I am saying very carefully.  The subject is not easy and I am making many new revelations; therefore, please read it slowly and several times if necessary. Then, without going into politics, make your judgement and/or comments about my work.

My request from Mr. David Leonardi is that he study my lengthy and detailed paper, about fifteen short essays in one, because of the fact that subject is very important, given below, discuss it with his "scholar" friends and any linguist he may wish to consult with and then come up with a straight forward assessment of all the things I have revealed.  Hopefully further discussion may ensue afterwards.

There is enough material here for anyone to make a clear judgement about the nature of the Indo-Euorpean languages. This essay will help to understand the nature of "Indo-European and Semitic" languages and possibly others as well.

Best wishes to all,

Polat Kaya







In my previous writings after I presented many Greek words as being the rearranged or encrypted form of Turkish words and phrases, David Leonardi. asked a question regarding whether there was the existence of a genetic relationship between Greek and Turkish. In order to understand what "genetic relationship" might mean linguistically, there should first be a definition of "genetic relationship". There does not seem to be one in linguistic circles. When I asked David to supply us with a definition and examples, he had difficulty providing one. Without a clear definition, it would be difficult or arbitrary to show a "genetic relationship" between languages. Here I do not intend to define it but I will give examples to help clarify my view.

In terms of humans, the genetic relationship is the "blood" relationship.  For example, "father, mother and their children, brothers, sisters and cousins are blood related and hence "genetically" related.  In other words, "genetically related" has everything to do with "blood" relationship. But "blood" in Turkish is "GAN" (KAN) - and this is where the terms "GENETIC" or "GENETICALLY" are sourced from. When the dictionaries tell us that these terms are sourced from Greek "GENOS" or Latin "GENUS" or "GENESIS", this is not truthful etymology. It is linguistic disinformation.

For example, there is the English term "GENEALOGY" meaning providing an account of descent from an ancestor or ancestors. In other words, it is about finding blood ancestors. Those who know Turkish can see that "GENEALOGY" is a distortion, both in spelling and pronounciation, of either Turkish "KAN-OLGU" meaning "blood formation" or Turkish "CAN-OLGU" meaning "physiological individual formation of a person" (i.e., external appearance or race). Here again, the dictionaries point off to Greek or Latin as the source, yet the source of the term "GENEALOGY" is unquestionably "Turkish".  Same applies to the term " GENETICAL" which is another word from the same Turkish source, i.e., "GAN OLGUTU".  It is important to note here that a skilled linguist can easily generate or manufacture "Indo-European" appearing words from a given Turkish source word or phrase.

After explaining these aspects of the terms "GENETIC" or "GENETICAL" now let us see if we can determine what it may mean to be "genetically related" in the case of words of "languages". 

Take for example, Sumerian "DINGIR" and Turkish "TENGIR" both meaning "GOD".  These can be called genetically related words because: a) the Sumerians were Turanian TUR/TURK people and b) because Sumerian was a Turkish-like language as if it was a dialect of Turkish - just as Azeri is a dialect of Turkish, just as Uighur, Kazak, Bashkurt, Ozbek, Kirgiz, Tatar, Turkmen, Saka, Altay, Tuva, Kirim, Kumuk, Karaçay, Karaims, Gagauz, Çuvash etc. are all dialects of Turkish.

Morphologically DINGIR and TENGIR are the same and mean the same, but they do not seem to be related to the word "GOD" - at least on the face of it. There must be another connection.  That connection can be seen as follows:  The most visible aspect of the ancient Turanian Sky-God was the "SUN" (GÜN, KÜN in Turkish) and "GÜN was a "gigantic fire" and hence was called "LORD FIRE", that is,  "AGA OD" in Turkish.  When these two words of Turkish are combined into one word as "AGAOD" which is easily transformed into "GAOD" which in turn is readily
transformed into "GOD".  Thus it is seen how easily Turkish "AGA OD" can become "GOD". From the appearance of these words (i.e., TENGIR and GOD), they do not seem to be related but we have just shown that the word "GOD" is a restructured Turkish expression describing the "LORD FIRE" (i.e., the Sun-God).

In ancient Turkish "UDU" (KÜN / GÜN) was another name of the "SUN".  [1]  The name of the Sumerian Sun-God was "UTU". Also Turkish "UT" (UD) was another name for "ÖKÜZ" (OX). [2]  Hence, in that ancient Turkish civilization, God had the "BULL" icon a) because the Turkish name of the Sky-God - "OGUZ" was homonym to the Turkish word "OKUZ" ("ÖKÜZ") meaning "Ox" or "Bull" and b) because the Turkish name for the Sun - UDU is homonym with the Turkish word UD meaning "Ox" or "Bull".  Similarly, the Sumerian name for the Sun God was UTU which is synonym with the Turkish UDU meaning Sun.  Therefore Sumerian UTU for Sun and Turkish UD for Ox are homonyms.  Additionally, Sumerian GUD means Bull.  All of this ties Sumerian and Turkish intimately together.

Another ancient symbol for the Sun God was the human eye because the Turkish name of the Sky-God - "OGUZ" was homonym with Turkish "O-GÖZ" meaning "That Eye" referring to the Sun as being the "Eye" of the Sky-God.

Another way to look at it is as follows.  The Sumerian word "GUD", on the surface,  means "bull" but below the surface, "GUD" can be seen as "AGA UD" as in Turkish meaning "King of the cattle" which is the BULL. But then "AGA UD" is also "AGA OD" which was the "SUN GOD". So there are two parallels here. The first is OGUZ and OKUZ and the second is GOD and GUD.

In the ancient Turkish civilization, the Sky-God had many names describing the same ONE Sky-God deity. 

It must also be noted that in the Turkish word "GUN" meaning "SUN", if the "G" is changed to "S", the resulting word is "SUN".  This is like changing Sumerian Epic name "BILGAMESH" which also a Turkish word to "GILGAMESH".  Thus changing Turkish words and expressions into something else, thus alienating them is extremely simple. 

What all this shows us is that these so-called Indo-European words are actually restructured or encrypted Turkish words and phrases.  An analogy would be where person A steals person B's car.  Person A then repaints the stolen car, puts new tires on it, embellishes it with pinstriping etc, changes the interior, etc. and then proclaims it as his new car that he got from person C.  In other words, person A took person B's car without permission, altered its appearance to make it unrecognizeable and then came out with false ownership papers.  Of course this is not borrowing.  What is important to understand here is that person A did not build that car independently from scratch. Similarly, when person A takes words and/or phrases from person B's language and uses them to manufacture new words that have been altered and disguised - without giving any reference to person B's language
(i.e., the source), that too is misappropriation.

The words in Indo-European languages are like the stolen, repainted and embellished cars of the above analogy. Thus the terms  "GOD" and "SUN" are like stolen "cars" because the originals were Turkish and they were called "AGA OD" and "GUN" respectively.  One cannot reclassify a stolen and repainted car as a "borrowed" car or even as a "genetically related" car because it is a "stolen" car - period.

An example of genetically related words is the Maya word "QIN" (KIN) for "SUN" and the Turkish word "GUN" or "KUN" for "SUN".  It can be said that Maya "KIN" and Turkish "KUN", both meaning "SUN", are genetically related because a) they have similar morphology and meaning and b) the Maya were originally Asiatic people implying that their ancestorial language was related to Turkish.

Now let us look at the English word "HERO" and the Turkish "ER O" meaning "he is hero".  On the surface, these words appear to be similar in morphology and meaning but they should not be regarded as being genetically related because English "HERO" has been manufactured from Turkish "ER O" although its etymology incorrectly points to Greek and Latin.  It is like the stolen car case again and therefore cannot be considered "genetically related".

Another example is Turkish "ATA" and Sumerian "ADDA" and Hittite "ATTA" all meaning "father".  Thus "T", "ATA", ATTA" and "ADDA" can be considered genetically related because they come from the same Turkish source.  The English word "FATHER", however, does not seem to be related to them.

We should also note the relationship between ancient Turkish "APA" meaning "father" and its derivatives such as: APA, ABA, APA-APA, PAPA, BABA all meaning "father" and "grandfather". The "English" language manufacturers took the ancient Turkish word "APA" meaning "father" or "grandfather" and combined it with the Turkish suffix -TR, -TIR, -TER, -TUR meaning "it is".  Thus the result became "APATIR" meaning "it is father".  This composite word then took the forms of: PATER, PADRE, FATHER, PEDER, etc.,  all meaning "father" in so-called Indo-European" languages.  However, by changing the "P" to an "F" in English, "PATER" became "FATHER". Again these Indo-European words are like the "stolen and repainted cars". 

Yes, PATER and PADRE and FATHER and PEDER have similar morphologies and meanings and also have the Indo-European link to each other, so on the surface it appears that they are genetically related - but since their actual source is from Turkish "APA'TIR" (APA'DIR) they again fall into the "stolen car" analogy and therefore must not be considered "genetically related".  In other words, Indo-European PATER and PADRE and FATHER and PEDER cannot be regarded as genetically related to Turkish APA'DIR because they were taken from it and restructured. Among themselves they appear to be related to each other because they have been made from the variations of the same Turkish source text which was "APA'TIR" or "APA'DIR". 

Now let us examine the source of the Greek words for:  head, hair, face, nose, eye, mouth, tongue, tooth, arm, leg, heart, blood, bone.

1.  English "HEAD", Greek "KEPHALI" and Turkish "TEPE", "BASh" and "KAFA".
There are different words for "HEAD" in Turkish.  Three widely used ones are  TEPE, BASh and KAFA all meaning "head". Two of these words do not appear in Greek in the given Turkish format but there is the Greek word "KEPHALI" [3] (where "PH" is pronounced as "F") meaning "head" which is related to Turkish "KAFA".  "KEFALI", when separated into "KEFA" + "LI", is the same as Turkish expression "KAFA + LI" meaning "with head" (the "-LI, -LU, -LO" are variations of the same Turkish suffix meaning "with" and this Turkish suffix is used in English and other Indo-European languages in the form of "-LY" or similar forms without giving reference to the Turkish source. For example, English "conditionally" really means "with condition"). It must be understood that Greek linguists have combined Turkish "KAFA" with the Turkish suffix "LI" to come up with one word "KEFALI".  Additionally they replaced the Turkish "F" with a "PH" concoction, read as "F", making it "KEPHALI", thus alienating this newly formed
word from its Turkish source "KAFA" + "LI".

However this does not make Greek "KEPHALI" and Turkish "KAFALI" genetically related because Greek "KEPHALI" is really plagiarized word from Turkish. In this case, Greeks added a Turkish suffix in order to lengthen the Turkish root word "KAFA". Lengthening Turkish words which additional Turkish words or suffixes is a widely used trick in anagrammatizing.

The Turkish word "TEPE" meaning "head" is the source for the ancient city name "THEBES" in ancient Yunanistan, that is, presently "Greece". It was also called "Seven gated Thebes" after the human head (TEPE) having "seven gates".

2. English "HEART", Greek "KARDIA" and Turkish "ÜREK" (YÜREK):

The Turkish word "ÜREK" (YÜREK, URAK) means "heart". Additionally Turkish "KALB" also means "heart" but it is said to be sourced from Semitic. First of all, the English word "HEART", when rearranged as "ERAHT", reveals itself as an anagram of Turkish expression "ÜREHTI" (Ürekti) with K to H softening. Turkish "Ürekti" means "it is heart".  The Frençh word "COEUR" (pronounced as "KÖR") and meaning "heart", when rearranged as "UOREC", where C is K and U is Y, is the rearranged form of Turkish "ÜREK" (YÜREK) meaning "heart".  Of course, these are not coincidences.

The word "CORE" meaning the centre of someting, that is the most inner part of a "body" is also from Turkish "UREK" rearranged as "KURE", "KORE" and "CORE".  For example, the SUN is the CORE (UREK) of the Solar system.  When the heart stops, the rest of the body dies. So too would our solar system if the Sun (i.e., ÜREK) ceased to be. The Latin word "COR" meaning "the heart" is also a distorted form of Turkish "ÜREK". All of these are embellished backward readings of the Turkish word "UREK".

Hence the Greek word "KARDIA" [4], meaning "heart" is also one such word. KARDIA, when rearranged as "ARAKDI", is a rearranged form of the Turkish expression "UREKDI" (ürekdi, yürekdi) meaning "it is heart".  In this expression we have Turkish "URAK" + the suffix "-DI". Suffix -DI, -TI  are Turkish verbal suffixes meaning "it is".  In this form it is used widely in Eastern Anatolian and Azerbaijan dialects of Turkish. The Turkish suffix -DI (-TI) presently has the form "-DIR, -TIR, -DUR, -TUR".  Suffix "-DI" is also the Turkish past tense verbal suffix which has been usurped into English in the form of "-ED" for the past tense case.

Thus the Greek term "KARDIA" is a rearranged form of the Turkish expression "URAKDI" (ürekdi, yürekdi) meaning "it is heart" but without any reference to its Turkish source.  However, this correspondence does not make Greek and Turkish genetically related because the word "KARDIA" is a plagiarized word from Turkish. Greek linguists have simply taken Turkish words and phrases, rearranged and embellished them to make the Turkish source unrecognizeable and then claimed the resulting new word as a Greek word. It must be understood that all medical and scientific terms related to "KARDIA" (e.g., Cardiology, Cardiograph, etc) have their roots in Turkish - not Greek - contrary to misrepresenting etymology.

Another example of this term "KARDIA" is the term "CORDIAL". 

The Greek term "EGKARDIWS" means "hearthily, cordially". [5] When it is rearranged as "EGWRAKDIS" where the bogus letter W is really a "UU" and the dual identity Greek "gamma" (being either "G" or "Y"  [6]), in this case is a "Y", the word becomes "EYU URAKDIS".  By reading it phonetically as in Turkish, it is readily seen to be the Turkish expression "EYU ÜREKDI" (iyi yürek idi, iyi kalbli idi) meaning "He/She is good hearted".  This is, in one sense, exactly "hearthily and cordially". (It is worth reminding that Greek "EU" meaning "good" is nothing but the plagiarized Turkish word "EYU" (IYI) meaning "good".)

This we see further, for example, in the term "KARDIOGRAPHIA" meaning "cardiography". The term "KARDIOGRAPHIA", when rearranged letter-by-letter as "ORAKI GHARAPDI", is an anagram of Turkish expression "ÜREGI GÖRÜPDI" (ÜREGI GÖRÜFDI) meaning "seen the heart" and more correctly "seing the heart". A "cardiography" allows the functioning of the heart to be seen in a visual manner, that is, in terms of a "GRAPH". The term "GRAPH" has been generated from Turkish word "GORUP" (GÖRÜP).  The source for both GRAPH and Türkish GÖRÜP is Turkish verb "görmek" from which "görüp" is made.  The Greek letter "H" presented here as part of bogus two-letter construct "PH" is indeed a letter of multiple identities when it comes to ciphering Turkish into Greek.  Again, it must be understood that all terms containing the term "GRAPH" are really rooted from Turkish "GÖRÜP" or "GÖRÜF" - not Greek as falsely claimed.

Thus all Indo-European words related to Greek "KARDIA" or Latin "COR" are made up words from Turkish expressions.  However this still does not make Greek or the other European languages genetically related to Turkish. The only relationship that exists here is that Greek and Indo-European languages abducted Turkish linguistic material to make up words for themselves. In other words, they metaphorically stole the Turkish cart, repainted it, embellished it as they wanted and then claimed the resultant word as their own.  Of course this kind of activity has nothing whatsoever to do with "genetic relationship".

3. English "FACE", Greek " PROSWPON" and Turkish "YÜZ":

The Turkish word for "face" is the monosyllable word "YÜZ" and/or "ÜZ".  Because of the fact that it is such a short word, it does not suit well for anagrammatizing and diguising.  However, it is incorporated into words that are much longer. The English word "face" pronounced like "FEYÜS" is very related to Turkish expression "EFE YÜS" (Efe Yüz) meaning "man's face".  

However the Greek word for "face" is given as "PROSWPON" meaning "face, front; person; and role". [7]  At first sight, there seems to be no relation with this Greek word and the corresponding Turkish "YÜZ".  But we need to look deeper.

The word "PROSWPON", where the bogus letter W is either UU or YU, when rearranged as "PORON + P + YUS", is an anagram of Turkish expression "BURUN Ve YÜZ" meaning "nose and face" which is a stretched definition of the "face" because the word YÜZ" (meaning "face") already includes the "nose" as well.  However, in the Greek version of the word they made up a word such that it uses the Turkish "YÜZ" plus the "PURUN" for "nose" both connected with "Pe/Ve" meaning "and".  This makes the word longer which means there are more letters to disguise with which means it is harder to recognize. This is an indirect way of defining the face by using more than one Turkish word in the new definition.  In another sense, the face also includes the "cheeks".  

Thus the Greek word "PROSWPON" is an abducted phrase from Turkish. This is not a genetic relationship (correspondence) but rather taking three Turkish words, mixing them and rearranging them.  Hence it is plagiarism. Its origin is directly in Turkish. Restructuring Turkish words into one "Greek" word does not make Greek blood related to Turkish.

Along the same lines is the so-called Indo-European expression "vis-a-vis" meaning "face to face".  We know that the Indo-European letter "V" is also the letter "U" or "Y" because these are multiple identity letters replacing each other.  Therefore when we replace the "V" in "vis-a-vis" with "Y", we get "yis-a-yis".  Now we are face to face with the Turkish expression "yüz yüze" meaning "face to face" or "yüze-yüz" meaning "cheek to cheek".  In this case, Turkish "yüz" meaning "face" has been abducted directly with minor embellishment.

4. English "NOSE", Greek "MUTI" or "RAMPHOS" and Turkish "BURUN" (PURUN):

Although Turkish "burun" for nose appears in the manufactured Greek word for face, it has not been adopted directly for the word "nose" in Greek.  The Greek word for nose is given as "MUTI" [8]  which has no relationship to the Turkish word "burun". 

Another Greek word meaning "bill, beak" is given as "RAMPHOS". [9]  Of course "nose" is also known as "beak or bill", that is, Turkish "gaga".  The Greek word "RAMPHOS", when rearranged as "PORAMSH", with Greek H=I, is very much an anagram of Turkish word "PURUNSI" (burunsi, burunsu, burun gibi) meaning "that which resembles nose",  where Turkish letter "N" has been changed into "M".  A "bill' or "beak" is exactly an organ that resembles the "nose".

Replacing one letter with another one is a widely used trick in anagrammatizing Turkish into Greek. That is, a Turkish consonant is replaced with a preceeding or succeeding letter in the alphabet. Thus Greek "RAMPHOS" for "nose' is very much the abducted and distorted form of Turkish expression "BURUNSU" (BURUN GIBI) meaning "NOSE LIKE".

The English term "PROMONTORY" is defined as "a high point of land or rock projecting into the sea; a head land" [10]. The Turkish term for this geographical concept is "BURUN" (PURUN) meaning "NOSE".

The Greek term for "PROMONTORY" is given as "AKRWTERION". [11]  This term also means "CAPE" in English meaning "a point of land jutting out into water; from Latin "CAPUT" meaning "head". [12] This Greek term "AKRWTERION", with the bogus letter W being UU, VV or VU, and when rearranged as "KARE VURONTIR", is an anagram of Turkish expression "KARA BURUNDUR" meaning "outward extending land".  In Turkish atlases, land extending outward into the sea is called "BURUN" meaning "NOSE". Thus this Greek sounding word is actually a rearranged and disguised Turkish expression "KARA BURONTIR", 

Similarly, the English word "PROMONTORY", related to the Turkish geographical term "BURUN", when rearranged as "PYRONOMTOR", where Y=U, and read phonetically as in Turkish, is an encrypted form of the Turkish expression "BURUNUMDUR" meaning "it is my nose".  A "PROMONTORY" is a nose-like land structure that extends into the sea.

The word "PROMONTORY" is said to be from Latin word "PROMUNTURIUM". [13]

PROMUNTURIUM, when rearranged as "PURUN UIRTUMM", is very much a rearrangement of Turkish expression "PURUN YERDUM" meaning "I am nose-like place" or "I am promontory".

Even the name "CAPE" from Latin "CAPUT" from Turkish "KAFATU" meaning "it is head" is sourced from Turkish. Similarly, there is the Turkish word "KAPI" meaning "gate'.  For example, the promontories on either side of a strait, say such as the Strait of Gibraltar, provide a "KAPI", that is a "CAPE" between tow bodies of water.

Thus we see that these so-called Indo-European words are in fact abducted and rearranged Turkish words and phrases.

5. English "HAIR", Greek "KOMI, TRIXA and MALLIA", and Turkish "SAÇ, KIL":

There are two Turkish words for "hair".  They are the monosyllabic "SAÇ" and "KIL" (GIL).  Three Greek words for "hair" are indicated as: KOMI, TRIXA and MALLIA. [14]  There appears to be no direct correspondence between them and the Turkish words for "hair".  However, if the letter "M" was replaced with "K" in "MALLIA" it becomes "KALLIA" which is a form of Türkish "KILLI" meaning "with hair".

If the letter "M" in the Greek word "KOMI" for "hair", [15] is replaced with "L"and rearranged as "KIL O",  it becomes Turkish "KIL O" meaning "it is hair".  It seems that the Turkish "L" in "KIL" has been altered into "M" in both cases.

The Greek word "LEPTOLOGIA" [16] means "hair splitting" but when it is rearranged letter-by-letter as "GILA TELOP O", what emerges is the Turkish expression "GILI DELIP O" meaning "it is putting hole into hair" which is nothing but the "hair splitting" notion. What we learn from this is that, the Greek anagrammatizer could not readily handle the monosyllable Turkish word "KIL" (GIL) by itself because it did not provide enough room for manipulation. Therefore he put it into a more complex wording where he could hide it as he wished.

There is another Greek word in the form of "SKLIROTRIXOS" [17] meaning "bristly", that is, "short stiff hair". "SKLIROTRIXOS", when rearranged letter-by-letter as  "SIRT XORO KIL S", what emerges is the Turkish expression "SERT GARA KIL" meaning "stiff black hair". This correspondence also testifies that Greek linguists took Turkish phrases and rearranged them to obtain words for a new language that they called "Greek".  

A very clear cut example of this rearrangement is also given in the Italian word "CAPELLATURA" meaning "a head of hair". [18]  This word, when rearranged letter-by-letter as "CALLA TEPA UR", where C = K and U=Y, is a rearrangement of Turkish expression "KILLI TEPE YER" meaning "it is a place of hairy head". This cannot be due to coincidence but rather artificially rearranging the Turkish expression.  It can be said that even the Greeks also did the same thing in changing Turkish "KILLI O" to "MALLIA" with K to M translation.

Even when the English word "BRISTLE", meaning "short, stiff, coarse hair,"   [19]  is rearranged as "SERT BIL", with B/K translation and read phonetically as in Turkish,  what comes up is the Turkish phrase "SERT KIL" meaning "stiff, coarse hair".  This correspondence cannot be due to coincidence. Rather it is due to the manhandling of Turkish words and phrases into another language.

However all these revealed correspondences do not make Greek or English or Italian genetically related to Turkish.  They are simply languages in which Turkish words have been plagiarized and rearranged or coded.

6. English "EYE", Greek "MATI" and Turkish "GÖZ":

The Turkish word for "eye" is the monosyllable word "GÖZ" (KÖZ).  This word has been applied not only the human "eye", but also the Sun ("O GÖZ" meaning "that eye", hence "OGUZ") and the Moon (AY = "O-GÖZ", hence "OGUZ") which were regarded as the "eyes" of the ancient Turanian Sky-God. In that concept the Sun is the "right-eye" and the "working eye" (Tr. sag ve KOR Göz), and the Moon is the "left-eye" and the "blind-eye" (Tr. sol ve KÖR Göz) of the Sky-God (Tr. GÖk Tengri/Tanri). The "EYE" (GÖZ) represents extremely important concepts in religion, theology, philosophy and gnosticism.  For living beings, the eye is one of the most important sources of knowledge and information.

The Turkish name for "moon" is "AY".  After Judeo-Christianity destroyed the ancient Turanian OGUZ religion and the Sun-God was dethroned, the Moon-God (Tr. AY-HAN) became the most prominent sky deity. In Turkish OGUZ KAGAN epic, "AY" is given another name represented by "MA" [20] or "MAH" meaning "moon" and also "magnificient" as is used in Turkish "MA-ATA" (MATA, METE) meaning "Magnificent Father".

The Greek name for "eye" is given as "MATI" or "MATE" [21] which is very much the Turkish MATA or METE. Ancient Greek religious-linguists also being "MOON" believers in addition to being "WIND" believers, have chosen the sacred name of the Moon, that is, "MATA" or "MATI" not only to mean the "Moon Lord (Tr. AY-Han) but also meaning "EYE" (Tr "GÖZ").  This is so because MA-ATA (AY-ATA) was the other "EYE" of the Father (ATA) God. This establishes the connection as to why Greek "MATI" is "eye". This shows how languages have been influenced by
religious thoughts. However the source is ancient Turkish culture and Turkish language.

When the Latin name "OCULUS", meaning "the eye", is rearranged as "COS ULU" or "ULU COS", where C = K, what emerges is the Turkish expression "ULU KÖZ" (Ulu Göz) meaning "Great Eye".  Turkish "Ulu" is for "great" and "KÖZ" (GÖZ) is for "eye".   As we have noted above, Moon is a "great Eye" as is the "eye" of man.

Interestingly enough the English term "EYE", pronounced as Turkish "AY" is nothing but the name of the Moon, i.e., "AY" in Turkish.  The Moon (Tr. "AY") also known by other names such as "Moon-God" (Tr. Ay-Tanri) or "Moon Lord" (Tr. "AY-HAN) was regarded as one "EYE" ("GÖZ") of the Sky-God in ancient Turanian culture. [22]

In Semitic languages "AYEN" or "AYN" means "eye" which is not a coincidence.  Because it is from Turkish "AY" (moon), that is the "EYE" of the ancient Turanian Sky-God.

In Masarian (so-called "Egyptian") history, there is the King named "AY" who succeded the King Tutankhamen. King AY was called "Divine Father" [23].  The reason that his title was "AY" and he was called "Divine Father" must be because he carried the title "AY" - representing the "Moon-God" in Turkish. This is another indication that ancient Masarians (Egyptian) were Turkic speaking Tur/Turk peoples contrary to all the disinformation out there.

To support all of these, we have the English personal pronoun for 1st person singular "I" pronounced as "AY", and Greek "EYO" (EGO) from Turkish "AY O" meaning "it is Moon" and "it is me" indicating that they are or were "Moon" (AY) believers. Similarly, Italian "IO" (Tr. "AY O") is also from Turkish "AY O" meaning "It is Moon" and also "it is me".

Thus it is seen that on the surface, English "EYE", Greek "MATI" and Turkish "GÖZ" appear to have no linguistic connection.  Yet they are all based on the ancient religious concepts of Tur/Turk peoples.

7. English "MOUTH", Greek "STOMA" and Turkish "AGUZ":

The Turkish word for "mouth" is "AGUZ".

The greek term for "mouth" is given as "STOMA". [24]  The Greek word "STOMA", when reaaranged letter-by-letter as "AOSMT", is a rearrangement / distortion of Turkish expression "AUSUMTU" meaning "It is my mouth".  This again relates the Greek word back to Turkish.

Related to this is the Greek word "STOMAXI" meaning "stomach".  The term "STOMAXI", when rearranged as "AKOSIMTH", with the bogus letter "H" being an "I", is an anagram of Turkish expression "AGUZUMTI" meaning "it is my mouth".  Both the "mouth" and the "stomach" are part of the same digestive system of the body and what is eaten in the "mouth" goes directly into the "stomach".

The English term MOUTH (where the Greek H is really an I), when rearranged as "UTMI O", is a distortion of Turkish "UTMA O" meaning "it is swallowing". "Swallowing" of anything is the natural function of the "mouth".  Thus rather than using Turkish "AGUZ" for "mouth" they have taken a function of the mouth to name the mouth. This kind of indirect definition of words are done very frequently in all so-called "Indo-European" languages to make words for their languages from Turkish.

8. English "TONGUE", Greek "GLWSSA" and Turkish "DIL" (TIL):

The Turkish word for "tongue" is the monosyllable word "DIL" (TIL). Turkish "DIL (TIL) also means "language". This word does not provide much room to the anagrammatizer to play with it.  Hence, he has to get some other aspects of the word to be used in its place.   

The Greek term for "tongue" is given as "GLWSSA" [25] meaning "tongue" and "language".  Of course the tongue" (dil) is the organ that changes the air passage coming from the lungs in order to make speech in the mouth.

The Greek term "GLWSSA", with W = UU and SS = Sh, becomes "GLUUShA".  When "GLUUShA" is rearranged as "GULUSHA", it becomes a form of Turkish word "GÜLÜShÜ" meaning "it laughs".  Of course it is the "tongue and mouth" together that does the laughing.  However, if "L" was changed to letter "N" in the word, it becomes "GUNUSHA" which is a form of Turkish "GONUShU" meaning "it speaks" which of course defines the "tongue and mouth" together. This composite definition in Turkish is defined by the term "AGUZ" meaning "mouth" and "language". Of course "OGUZ" the "Sky-God and "AGUZ" the "mouth and language" are related.  Thus instead of using Turkish 'DIL" (TIL) directly, the anagrammatizer disguised it by choosing a composite definition of it in Turkish and then he disguised it.  This again shows that the source of Greek word "GLWSSA" has its roots in Turkish. Now, although we have exact correspondence between Greek "GLWSSA" and Turkish  "GÜLÜShÜ" and "GONUShU", the process makes the Greek "GLWSSA" as the "stolen and repainted car".

9. English "TOOTH", Greek "DONTI" and Turkish "DIS" (TIS):

Turkish word for "tooth" is the monosyllable word of "DIS" (TIS), where S = Sh, which again does not provide room for manipulation or camouflage.  The Greek word for "tooth" is given as "DONTI" [26]  and there seems to be no obvious relationship between it and Turkish "DIS" or "TIS".

However, the Greek "DONTI" seems to have used another source. That happens to be the Latin word "DENS" or "DENTIS" meaning "a tooth". Alternatively, "things resembling a tooth". [27] 

The Latin word "DENTIS", when rearranged as "TISDEN", is a form of Turkish expression "DISDEN" (TISDEN), where S=Sh, meaning "a tooth" or  "a thing resembling a tooth".  Thus we have an exact correspondence with this Latin word and the Turkish phrase.  In this anagram the suffix "DEN" is the Turkish suffix -DEN, -DAN meaning "from" and "made of".  For example, when we say "agaçtan" in Turkish, it means "something made up of wood". Similarly, "TISDEN" means "something made of tooth" or resembling "tooth".  Thus in this Latin takeover, Turkish "TISDEN" was reversed and became "DENTIS".  Evidently, the English term "dentist' comes from this source.

The Latin term "DENS" meaning "tooth" would be the anagram of Turkish expression "DISIN", S = Sh, meaning "your tooth", or Turkish "DEShEN" meaning "that which digs in or pierces" like a "tooth" does.  In either case, the Latin "DENS" has its roots in Turkish.

Similarly, there is the Latin word "DENTATUS" which means "provided with teeth, toothed".  [28]  The latin "DENTATUS", when rearranged letter-by-letter as "DES ATTUN" is a form of the Turkish phrase "DIS ETTUN" (dis çikardin) meaning "you toothed", "you cut teeth" or "you grew a tooth", and again in the form of "DIS ATTUN" (dis çikardin) meaning "you lost tooth" as in the case of children changing a tooth. 

Additionally, there is the Lation word "DENTIO" meaning "to cut teeth" and "of teeth".  The Greek word "DONTI" appears to be "genetically" related to Latin word "DENTIO".

Although, all of these words, that is, Latin DENS, DENTIS or DENTIO, or Greek "DONTI" are sourced from Turkish, all of these do not make Greek and/or Latin genetically related to Turkish. Because the Turkish source text has been altered, embellished and restructured in both the Latin and Greek - thus putting them into the category of "stolen car" case again. 

10. English "HAND", Greek "XAIR" and Turkish "EL":

Turkish word for "hand" is again a monosyllable word of "EL" which does not give much room for manipulation or camouflage.  The Greek term for "hand" is given as "XEIR" [29]  Of course on the surface, there appears to be no relationship between English "HAND", Greek "XEIR" and Turkish "EL". However we have to dig deeper into the matter.  The European linguist does not "create" words from "nothing" which is very difficult task to do, but rather he dips his hands into the Turkish language cookie jar - which is an unlimited linguistic reservoire, and then gets whatever he wants and restructures them as he pleases.  That is a much easier task.

There is the Italian word "MANIPOLARE" meaning "to manipulate' which is defined as "to work with the hands". [30]  This is very important because it will reveal things that were not known by the students of linguistics except probably the cabalist linguists who confused Turkish to come up with different languages.

The term "MANIPOLARE", when rearranged letter-by-letter as: 

a) "MANI EL APOR" and read phonetically as in Turkish, is an anagram of Turkish expression "MENI EL YAPAR" meaning "it is the hand (EL) that makes me".  This Turkish expression is a definition of "HAND" (EL) that makes many things.

b) "ELIM APAR ON", is also an anagram of another Turkish expression "ELIM YAPAR ONI" meaning "it is my hand that makes it" which again describes the "HAND" (EL) in terms of the things that it makes.

Of course this Italian word "MANIPOLARE" is not Italian or Latin in origin at all but rather the restructured form of an expression belonging to Turkish contrary to the misinformation out there.

Additionally, the English word "MANIPULATE", meaning "maneuver, handle, play, design, etc", when rearranged letter-by-letter as "IAPAN-ELUMT", is an anagram of Turkish expression "IAPAN ELIMTI" ("yapan elimdi" yahut "elimdi yapan") meaning "it is my hand that does", "It is my hand that makes", "It is my hand that manipulates". This is a very truthful definition of "HAND" ("EL") in Turkish. This again shows that the source of this English word is Turkish.

Now let us examine the Greek term for "manipulate" which is given as 'XEIRIZOMAI" [31].   The root of this term is "XEIR" meaning "hand" in Greek. 

The term "XEIRIZOMAI", when rearranged as "XAIERIZIM O", with X=KH (i.e., soft G as in Azarbaijani dialect of Turkish) or G, is an anagram of Turkish expression 'GAYIRICIM O" ("KAYIRICIM O", "YAPICIM O") meaning "it is my work doer", which refers to the "hand".  The word "GAIR" (GAYIR) is the root of the Turkish verb "gayirmak" meaning "to do, to make, to manipulate, etc."  Hence the Greek linguist could not really do very much manipulation with the Turkish monosyllable word "EL", thus, he used another Turkish expression that described "hand" (EL).  In this way, he cleverly took over another Turkish expression instead. 

On the surface, these words, i.e., Italian "MANIPOLARE", English "MANIPULATE" or "MANIPLE" (from Tr. "ELIM IAPAN"),  Latin "MANIPULUS (from Tr. "ALUM IPNSU" / "ELIM YAPANCU"), French MANIPULER (from Tr. "ELIM YAPAR ANI"), etc. all seem "genetically "related to each other, without showing any relation to the Greek "XEIR" or Turkish "EL".  Yet they are all from Turkish expressions describing "hand" ("EL") in very closely knit ways to each other.

There is the word "MANUAL" which is defined as:, "Of, done with, the hands; worked by hand, not by automatic equipment" [32]. The word "MANUALLY", when rearranged letter-by-letter as "ALYMULAN", is an anagram of Turkish expression "ELIMULAN" (ELIM ILEN) meaning "it is (doing) with my hand" indicating that work is done "manually".

From this revelation it is crystal clear that there has been a conspiracy game carried out against the Turkish language, that is, the language of the so-called "PAGANO, HEATHEN, GENTILI, GENTILES or by the true name of TUR/TURK peoples. This proves once more that words of so-called "Indo-European" languages are constructed from the Turkish language.  This is non-debatable.

11. English "ARM", Greek "BRAXIWN" and Turkish "KOL"

The Turkish word for "arm" is "KOL" while the Greek term is given as "BRAXIWN"  or "BRAXONOS" [33] meaning "arm" or "branch". Hence, on the surface, there seems to be no relation between the English, Greek and Turkish words for "arm". Yet when we inspect a number of words, new revelations appear.  The monosyllable Turkish word "KOL" does not provide much room for manipulation or camouflage.  However we find that Turkish "KOL" has been embedded in some other Greek and English words.  Let us start with the Latin language words.

The Latin word for "arm" is given as "BIRACCHIUM; "upper arm" as "LACERTUS"; "embrace" as "COMPLEXUS" (ÜS). [34]

The Latin word "BIRACCHIUM", when rearranged letter-by-letter as "BIR CIHMAC U" and read phonetically as in Turkish, is the Turkish expression "BIR ÇIKMAÇ O" meaning "it is one outgrowth".  Of course, the "arm' is an "outgrowth" from the body, just like a "branch" is an out-growth from the trunk of a tree.  This is a rather long definition of the concept of "arm" in Turkish. 

The Greek word "BRAKHONOS" for "arm" is similar to the Latin word "BIRACCHIUM".  When the Greek word "BRAKHONOS" is rearranged as "BHR SOKAN O", where Greek letter H = I,  it becomes the rearrangement of the Turkish expression  "BIR ÇIKAN O" meaning "it is one outstretched [thing]" like a "branch" from a tree or an "arm" from the human body.  Again we see that a composite Turkish phrase describing an "arm" or a "branch" has been used by the Greeks in order to get away from Turkish "KOL".  Interestingly, the concept of "branch" is also expressed with Turkish words "DAL" and "BUDAK" meaning "branch" of a tree.

Even the English word "BRANCH", when deciphered as "BR-CIHAN", is the rearrangement of Turkish expression "BIR ÇIKAN" meaning "one outgrowth".  Arms and legs are outgrowths from the body - just as a BRANCH is an outgrowth from a tree trunk.

The Latin word "LACERTUS" for "upper arm", when rearranged letter-by-letter as "US KALTER", we find to our amazement that it is the rearrangement of the Turkish expression "ÜST KOLTER" (üst koldur) meaning "it is upper arm" which is exactly the definition given for it.  What a coincidence!!! 

The Latin word "COMPLEXUS" meaning "embrace", where X is really KH, when rearranged letter-by-letter as "COLUME  KHPS", with C = K, H = I, and ancient Greek symbol "P" being an "R", evidently used collectively by the Latins as means of disguising "R" or "P", we get the Turkish expression "KOLUMA GIRIS", where S = Sh, meaning "entering into my arms". Of course this phrase in Turkish is one definition of the concept of an "embrace". 

In parallel to this Latin word, there is also the Greek word "EGKOLPOUMAI"  [35] meaning "I embrace". When this Greek term "EGKOLPOUMAI" is rearranged letter-by-letter as "KOLUMA GOIEP", it clearly becomes the Turkish expression "KOLUMA KAYIP" (koluma girip, koloma gelip) meaning "slipped into my arms". Again, this Turkish phrase is another definition of the concept of "embrace".

It is amazingly clear that both the Latin and Greek words for "embrace" have been defined in the same way by using Turkish phrases.  They have also used the Turkish word "KOL" meaning "ARM" in exactly the same format as used  in Turkish with expressions defining an "arm" involved concept.

These are evidences that neither Greek nor Latin had proper words for the concept of "ARM" and "EMBRACE". However what they used, like the rest of the vocabulary of their languages, were plagiarized from Turkish and thus were similar linguistically to the "stolen and repainted car" example described above.  However, in spite of the fact that the source for them is Turkish, the way they are structured makes these words appear totally alien to Turkish.

12. English "LEG", Greek "SKELOS" and Turkish "BACAK"

Turkish word for "leg" presently is "BACAK" which is most likely from Turkish "BASAK" ("basmak" fiilinden) meaning "that which is used for stepping", or "that which is stepped on" where an S to C translation has taken place in Turkish.  Additionally the words AYAK, BUD and its variations BUT, BOT and  PUT are also used widely in the dialects of Turkish.

It should also be noted that while the Turkish word "KOL" is used for human "arm", it is also used to refer to the "front leg" of an animal. In this context the English term "LEG" is very much a distortion and backward reading of Turkish "KOL" (GOL). In the case of animals, the hindleg is called "BUD" in Turkish. Additionally, a "branch" from a
"trunk" of a body or tree is also expressed with Turkish words "DAL" and "BUDAK".
The Greek words "SKELOS" or "PODARI" are given for "leg". [36]  Similarly, PODI" and "PODARI" [37] are for "foot". Among these, "SKELOS" and "PODI" are meaningful from the Turkish point of view. It must be noted that Turkish "BUD" (PUD) and Greek "PODI" are very much the same.  Similarly Turkish "BUDAK" for "branch" and Greek "PODI"
seems to be somewhat related since "PODY" is also a "branch". 

There is the Greek word "PODAGRA" meaning "gout", that is, "a pain in leg and arm joints".  Additionally, there is the Greek word "PODALGIA" meaning "pain in the foot; gout".  It is clear that Turkish "BUD" (PUT, POD) is part of these Greek words.

Additionally, Greek word "PODAGRA" is made of two Turkish words put together. That is: "POD + AGRA" which is the same as Turkish "BUD AGRI" meaning "leg pain" or "pain in the leg".

Greek word SKELOS, meaning "leg" [38], when rearranged as "KOLSE-S", is a form of Turkish expression "KOLSU" (kol gibi, kola benzer) meaning "that which is similar to arm", that is, a branch extending out of the body like arms.  "LEGS" are such extensions from the body and are thus similar to "ARMS".

13. English "BLOOD", Greek "AIMA" and Turkish "KAN" (GAN) or "MAYA":

The Turkish word for "blood" is "KAN" (GAN) but the Turkish term "MAYA" meaning "yeast" and also "essence of body" referring to "blood".is also used.  

The Greek word for "blood" is given as "AIMA"  or "AIMATOS" [39].  "AIMA" is very much a backward reading of the Turkish word "MAYA".  In other words an usurped and rearranged Turkish word that has been camouflaged as Greek. 
Similarly the Greek term "AIMATOS", when rearranged letter-by-letter as "MAIA-TOS", is a rearrangement of Turkish expression "MAYA + TUZ" meaning "essence of body and salt" referring to "blood".  "blood" is a "salty" substance. Thus using Turkish "MAYA" for Greek "AIMA", and Turkish "MAYA TUZ" as Greek "AIMATOS" is an indirect description of "blood" usurped from Turkish.  In Turkish, there is the expression "Mayasi bozuk" which means "he/she has bad blood".

In order to show how Turkish "GAN" (KAN) has been abducted directly, let us examine the following English and Greek terms:

In English the term "SANGUI" (from Latin "sanguis") is defined as "a combining form meaning "blood" as in: "sanguicolus", "sanguiferous", "sanguivorous". [40] 

The term "SANGUI", when rearranged as "GAN SUI", is the Turkish expression "GAN SUYU" meaning "blood water" or "watery blood".  Here "GAN is "blood" and "SUI" is Turkish "SU" meaning water and the suffix-I is the Turkish verbal suffix -YI, -YU.  The referred etymology in Latin, "SANGUIS", is also the rearranged Turkish expression "GAN SUYU".  Thus, all such words in Indo-European languages are from Turkish contrary the misleading etymology given for them.

The English term "SANGUINARY" meaning "blood thirsty", when rearranged letter-by-letter as "GANYNU ISAR" where Y=U, and read phonetically as in Turkish, is the Turkish phrase "GANINU IÇER" (kanini içer) meaning "drinks his blood".  It is seen that Turkish letter "Ç" has been changed to letter "S" which is a trick that the Turkish language abductors have done over and over again.  Of course the correspondence that we find here cannot be denied by any linguist.

The term "SANGUIFEROUS" is made of "SANGUI + FEROUS".  The suffix "FEROUS" is defined as: [Latin "fer", from "ferre" to bear].  A suffix signifying "bringing", "producing", "yielding", as in "auriferous" meaning "yielding gold". [41]

The amazing thing is that the Latin "FER" is nothing but the Turkish word "VER", the root of Turkish verb "vermek" meaning "to give, to bear, to yield, to produce".  Similarly, Latin "FERRE" is the rearranged form of Turkish "VERIR" meaning "yields, bears, produces".  Additionally, the so-called suffix "FEROUS" is nothing but the Turkish "VERUSh" meaning "giving, yielding, bringing, producing".  So the source of the suffix is not Latin as misleadingly claimed, but pure Turkish.

Thus the English term "SANGUIFEROUS", made up as "SANGUI + FEROUS" or more correctly "GAN SUI FERUSh", is nothing but the rearranged form of the Turkish expression "GAN SUYU VERUSh" meaning "it is giving blood" or "it is giving blood water (serum)".  According to the definition given in the reference, "SANGUIFEROUS" means "blood giving".  The coincidence between the Turkish source text and this word is stunningly clear.

The corresponding word in Greek for "SANGUIFEROUS" is given as "AIMOPHOROS" or "AIMOFOROS".  Yet this Greek word "AIMOPHOROS", when rearranged letter-by-letter as "MAI PEROSH O", clearly identifies itself as the rearrangement of Turkish expression "MAYA VERUSh O" (KAN VERISh O) meaning "it is blood giving".  Similarly "AIMOFOROS" is the Turkish "MAYA VERUS" where S = Sh, meaning "blood giving". 

For example, there is the Greek word "AIMATOKULISMA" meaning "bloodshed".  The term "AIMATOKULISMA", when rearranged letter-by-letter as "MAIA TOKULMIS A", is clearly the Turkish expression "MAYA TÖKÜLMISh" (kan dökülmüs) meaning "blood is shed" or "blood is spilled".  Here MAYA is the "essence of the body", that is, "blood" (GAN/KAN) and the word "TÖKÜLMISh" means "has been shed" and/or "has been spilled".  It is from the Turkish verb "TÖKÜLMEK" meaning "to make shed, spilled".

Thus from this analysis, it is clearly seen that all of these words and their suffixes and prefixes in English and in Greek and in Latin are in fact from Turkish contrary to an amazing amount of falsifying that has been generated in the land of Western literature.

Additionally, all words in the Greek dictionary related to "blood" are made up from Turkish words and phrases contrary to all the misleading information given in the dictionaries. The disinformation is probably innocently repeated by sincere dictionary writers who probably had no idea of how these languages were actually made up.

So on the surface, there appears to be no relationship between English "blood", Greek "AIMA" and Turkish "GAN" (KAN), however, when we dig deeper, as I have demonstrated, we find that there is a relationship but the relationship is one of "looter" and "loot".

14. English "BONE", Greek "OSTEON", "KOKKALON" and Turkish "SÜMÜK", "SÜYEK", SÖK", "SÜNGEK" and "KEMIK"

The Turkish word for "bone" is "SÜMÜK", "SÜYEK", "SÖK", "SÜNGEK" and "KEMIK".  [42]  The Greek terms for "BONE" are given as "KOKKALON"  [43] and "OSTOUN"  [44]  or "OSTEON" . [45]  The Latin name for "bone" is given as "ÖS"  and "OSSIS".  [46]  On the surface there seems to be some relationship between these Greek, Latin and Turkish words.

The Greek word "KOKKALON" meaning "bone", when rearranged as "KANLO KOK", would be a version of Turkish expression "KANLU KÖK"  meaning "bloody root" or "KANLOK OK" would be a version of Turkish expression KANLUK" meaning "where there is blood" or "where blood is made".  It is known that "blood" is manufactured in the "bones" of the body.

The word "SKELETON", when rearranged as "SONEKLET", with N/M change, is an anagram of Turkish expression "SÜMÜKLÜTÜ" meaning "it is with bones" which defines clearly the word "skeleton".  So the source is Turkish.

The Greek term "OSTEOLOGIKOS" means "osteological" [47].  In one hand this term refers to the science dealing with bones, but in another it reveals something different that is not mentioned in dictionaries.   "OSTEOLOGIKOS",  when rearranged letter by-letter as "SOSOK ILEGTO O", with the second S in this changed to M the word  becomes "SOMOK ILEGTO O" which is exactly the same as the Turkish expression "SÜMÜK ILIKTI O" (kemik ilikti o) meaning "it is bone and marrow" which bones are made of.  Turkish "ILIK" is the name for "bone marrow", suffix -TO/TU/TI is the Turkish verbal suffix for "it is".  Again we see that the revelation from this Greek word is not a coincidence but rather due to a usurpation from Turkish into Greek.


1. From the above discussions of various words, it has become crystal clear that although Greek, Latin, Italian, and English do not appear to have any relation to Turkish in structure and phonetics, when they are carefully examined with intense inquiry, we find that they are languages restructured directly from Turkish. To say it differently, words in these languages are rearrangements of Turkish words and phrases.

2. In spite of the fact that these languages look so different from Turkish, if they were languages genuinely developed independently, that is, having no contact with Turkish, then, in deciphering words from them, no matter how much rearangement is done, mathematically, there cannot be so much correspondence between the words of Indo-European languages and those of Turkish. The correspondences I have shown are real and constitute indisputable  evidence that all of the Indo-European languages were secretly made up from Turkish using Turkish words and expressions. 

3. In view of all these findings, trying to find any "genetical" relationship between Greek and Turkish would be futile. That also applies to Latin and all the other Indo-European languages. The only relationship that exist beween these languages and Turkish is that they have been usurped and disguised very skilfully from Turkish. In this process, the linguists of Greek, Latin and the other European languages seem to have held hands in constructing their respective languages. This cooperation between linguists of the IE languages resulted in these languages appearing similar and genetically related among themselves - as if they belonged to the same family of languages originating from one "proto" language.  Yet we have shown here that that "PROTO" language was and still is actually the "BIRATA" language of Turkish. .

4. It is no wonder the name "BABYLON" is associated with "confusion of languages". Evidently it was the place where all these concoctions were dreamed up and cooked against the ancient Tur/Turk world and their religion, language and civilization. People of the world, particularly the trusting Tur/Turk peoples, have been severely conned
at the hands of a few cabalistic cult organizers.  

5. In the ancient Turanian world, the trinity Sky-God Oguz religion, that is, the Sun and Moon being regarded as the eyes of the ONE Sky-Father-God, was a widely accepted and followed religion. That OGUZ religion has been labeled demonizingly as "Paganism, Heathenism, Shamanism", etc. Together with it, the dialects of the Turkish language were the world language. With the advent of Judeo-Christianity, not only was the ancient Turanian sky-God OGUZ religion destroyed, but also new languages were generated from Turkish by using Turkish as the linguistic source material. However, in doing this, they made sure that what they produced would not be recognizeable.  In spite of all the confusion and camouflage by their missionaries, and after a few thousand years of propaganda, the truth regarding the nature of these languages has surfaced like the sun reappearing from behing obscuring clouds. 

6. Contrary to what is known about the Greek alphabet, it is an ingeniously designed but dishonest alphabet.  Most of the letters in it have double or multiple identities. The fluid nature of the Greek alphabet is used in anagrammatizing Turkish source material into Greek.  The specially designed symbols used in the alphabet make visual connectivity between Greek words and their Turkish source extremely difficult; thus, part of the disguise needed for usurpation is achieved in this manner. The other face of the alphabet is used to read what has been written in Greek as Greek. In Greek, Latin and the rest of the Indo-European languages, systematic deceit has been the guiding principle used by the manufacturers of these languages.

7. Despite all that has been done, an unlimited number of Turkish words and expressions describing ancient Turkish culture have been preserved in Indo-European and S

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