iniliROZ clim ciZ
LoLaoka i jeho naC ___________wolk and his nation
clteRZ iS clLce BwNi__________sern is also in them
ClLSh RoZ isLa________________onthrway on the begin
Nacina ZlNScaLa clina croZ____begin bekoming bad
Scna inacruZ Zlna ____________now already is bad (this sugest

roman time of origin of this text.

SokoiZ ScaLa
orLy SlrscaLS SA

Cym Ziz carnRiZ Zmij

Llg lilbo sic cis
ZizZ'C napisi ZizZ'CroLS
Iz CaLSiH WcierhRZi
ZliZm Zn naclina Zmij
sisis'h ZNokocRN ko
kolLosa ok wcsRNCRZ
LlgNI lilBO sciC
clVocc Zzz'C napisi cRNCRZ

charAbrny?(CarhcRZ) Zmij saLa ok Llag (L ARIA g)
\note later P*=pisi
P*Nase oko okoclLi i !!(?)
rest of 208 big glorification of SNake

for his hart all Glue to him

203 ClilTroz not ok, all 2 pages RL

i can sing it at fly :) but some question still left.
It will bo goot to get beter resolution.
Isnt it a litle important for you gentelmenes?

if So perhaps you can point me to beter Source.
The lot of other characters is H4:
onomatopeic sounds. As i earlier sugested people before sound

onomatopeic sounds much much beter.
they crai as a wolf. Yes:)

_.._ _o_ _i_