Caclica¿ ol/ ina cAca³acicju'
¿izz ³a na pisi c³asce¿ crcñ
I¿ o l³O i lilr cñO
ccluñ z³o
Pca³cap ? Sat'oU\
¯izz OT'Uñ Sæ okc³ac
c oLiok C³ac
I¿ SaciTru¿c
pisi cliLyC
CallSCOL s
ili ili sÆu hñ
ili ili clceN oko o cr³a
¿izzæ oko cr³a
Napisi otaæ oko S-Sos³a
Napisi Zcliæ
okcrE! srcros
all the text v1.2 TB2003 )c(
_.._ _o_ _i_
--ps is a secret where from is this text
was on cybalist file marked as unknow alphabet
here is readed.
I belivethat today Polski Góral can read this at start.
this is song so may be some author artistic modification for singing.