One wild cow TUR(argus) is too much for even extended family for one
time eating. In cold time there is not a problem but during summer,
it is. It is better to get help from neighbors, and help them later
the same way. To si
gnal they can use horn. Few miles sound range.
Sound TUuu\(r)

Sun will set on northwest. Eagle flay attracted by trashed non-
eatable tur parts. Other birds can be but when eagle arrives \endash
depart away.
Eagle sound ~ARIIA ~ORLII

For drink honey is ok. Is made by bees. Incoming bee sound psh out
coming psz|z\rquote a Doppler acoustic effect. So we get looking at
bypassing us bee sound z\rquote a when is just behind our head then
the behind is called ZA

From the sun eye perspective we get clouds eagles then ZA AR so they
call the fireplace ZAR.

The grill is made from wood. Two x shaped stand. Between them whole
turn. Is naot turned in not stop motion but by indexing. The stic is
sticed to earth. Turning it
Sound ~(WOU SCI)n

Killing tur has a last word.
Sound RAU

Behind the source of the sound RU there are horns called ZA .


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